
eating out

seats, seating, food, restaurant, opinion, twitter, funny twitter, eating out

People Reflect On The Seating That Reveals If A Restaurant’s Food Is Good Or Bad

Harsh, but true?
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I Miss It So Much Already :(

Caption that reads, "When you just finished your food and you're reminiscing about that time 30 seconds ago when you still had food" above a pic of Wolverine staring at a photo of takeout food that he just ate
Via KingRememberedInTime1

Don't Underestimate Me

Text that reads, "I love the look waiters give me like 'she won't eat all this.' HAHA stand back and watch me Paul"
Via aoui
wtf waiters eating out millennials tipping restaurant cheap - 5984517

Millennials Are Outraged Over Being Labeled 'Cheap Tippers'

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First World Money Problems

eating out First World Problems money - 7051062784
Created by Yggdrassal
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