
dungeons and dragons

dungeons and dragons, dnd memes, D&D, funny memes, gaming memes, nerdy memes, memes, tabletop gaming, board games, rpg

The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (August 12, 2022)

Hello, rogues and wizards. Are you here for another roundup of the top Dungeons & Dragons memes on the internet? Wise decision. Even with the most meticulous planning and preparation, Dungeons & Dragons is a game that can develop in weird and unexpected ways, much like life! Going with the flow, maintaining an open mind, and not trying to influence the outcome excessively are the greatest ways to enjoy playing Dungeons & Dragons (that also goes for all you extra controlling dungeon masters out…
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dungeons and dragons, dnd memes, D&D memes, dungeons and dragons memes, gaming memes, board games, rpg memes, tabletop gaming, funny memes, nerdy memes, memes

The Best Dungeon & Dragons Memes of the Week (August 5, 2022)

It's every RPG nerd's favorite day of the week— Dungeons & Dragons day! As always, we've rounded up all the best D&D memes on this side of the internet. Happy scrolling! And be sure to share your favorites with the rest of your party. We've included a few funny tweets from Bad DND Advice for good measure.
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dnd, D&D, dungeons & dragons, dungeons and dragons memes, funny memes, nerdy memes, tabletop games, gaming memes, board games, rpg, fantasy, gaming memes

The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (July 29, 2022)

If you haven't heard, they made a Dungeons & Dragons movie and it looks…shockingly not awful. The new trailer that came out last week reveals Chris Pine and Michelle Rodriguez cast as the unlikely heroes of what is hopefully going to be a rowdy adventure that embraces humor and doesn't take itself too seriously. I guess we'll find out soon enough whether the movie was made in the spirit of the game. They better have at least one member of the party who doesn't show up to any of the meetings lea…
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A compilation of funny and random memes

Strange And Unusual Memes For Angsty Teens

As a wise Sprouse twin once said, "In case you haven’t noticed, I'm weird. I’m a weirdo. I don't fit in. And I don't want to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That's weird." That Riverdale character was right; his existence is weird. If you told 8-year-old me that my favorite characters from Archie comics would be turned into a gritty CW show, I would have said, “what is the CW?” Jughead Jones claiming that wearing a beanie makes him a social outcast in the year of our l…
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dnd, dungeons and dragons, D&D, dungeons and dragons memes, dnd memes, funny memes, rpg, tabletop gaming, gaming memes, board games, nerdy memes

The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (July 22, 2022)

Negative stereotypes stalk Dungeons & Dragons players like a Dracolich that just won't die. But diehard DnD fans don't let it bother them, because while all the normies are tweeting pictures of what they ate at brunch or whatever it is they do to entertain themselves, DnD players are building beautiful worlds, lifelong friendships, and meaningful memories through the magic of gaming. So the next time someone calls you a loser for simply enjoying something, don't let it get you down. In fact, yo…
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dungeons and dragons, rpg, role playing, gaming memes, dnd memes, dungeons and dragons memes, D&D memes, rpg, tabletop games, board games, funny memes, memes

The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (July 15, 2022)

Dungeons & Dragons is a game that can unfold in bizarre and unexpected ways, even with the most elaborate planning and preparation—kind of like life! The best way to enjoy Dungeons & Dragons is to go with the flow, stay open-minded, and don't try to dominate the outcome too much (that also goes for all you extra controlling dungeon masters out there). Anyway, we've rounded up a load of funny and relatable Dungeons & Dragons memes for every kind of player. Just remember to share them with your p…
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A compilation of random memes, tweets, and tumblr posts.

Lethargic Memes To Curl Up With

Are you tired? Do you want to go back to bed? Are you a sleepy baby who doesn't want to go to your pathetic little job? Well, you don't have to! After all, you're a baby, with no responsibilities or bills or cleaning or anything to do except for consuming media. In fact, it looks like you're on the fast track to becoming an iPad baby. Do you know what an iPad baby is, you ignorant infant? An iPad baby is a gross toddler who can't look away from their filth-encrusted tablet for one second, even…
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A compilation of random memes, tweets, and tumblr posts.

Self-Actualizing Memes To Awaken Your Consciousness

Free your mind and the memes will follow.
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dnd, dungeons and dragons, dungeons and dragons memes, nerdy memes, gaming memes, funny memes, tabletop memes, rpgs, memes

Funny Dungeons & Dragons Memes for Tabletop Nerds

Roll for memes
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dungeons and dragons, dnd memes, D&D memes, dungeons and dragons memes, nerdy memes, dumb memes, memes, funny memes, dungeon master, gaming memes, tabletop games, rpg

The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (June 24, 2022)

Greetings, wizards and rogues. Back again for yet another collection of the best Dungeons & Dragons memes on this side of the internet? Wise choice. We've rounded up a particularly excellent selection of content this week for all the hardcore fans and casual dabblers alike. You don't need to be on Matt Mercer's level to enjoy some relatable DnD in-jokes. In fact, these memes will probably a lot funnier for you if you've done a lot of epic failing as a player, or have experienced a bit of impost…
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A Big Old Bunch of Memes For Nerds & Normies Alike

Listen. Even we here at Memebase are humble enough to admit that it is impossible to consistently serve up the very best memes to grace the many pages of the internet. There are simply not enough witty, intelligent and funny people creating them these days - and not enough people with good taste sharing the good ones that already exist. If we are being totally sincere about why and when we seek out these tasty morsels of comedy, the best of the best really isn't necessary. We're more interested…
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dnd, D&D, dungeons and dragons, dungeons and dragons reddit, reddit thread, confession, funny, rpg, improv, rpg, tabletop games,

Dungeon Master Confesses They 'Cheat' at D&D, Sparking Mixed Reactions

In such a variable and modular game like Dungeons & Dragons , what does it mean to “cheat?” The notion of cheating might be straightforward in a game like Monopoly, but in D&D it's more of a vibe. One DM turned to r/DnD to confess that they think they've been cheating their players for quite some time. Rather than prepping every detail of the game beforehand, u/gimmemoneez mostly makes up details as they go along. Miraculously, none of the players have seemed to notice. Some fans of the game th…
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Dungeons & Dragons Players are Showing Off Their Epic Game Rooms on TikTok

Dungeons & Dragons Players Show Off The Most Epic Game Rooms on TikTok

These DnD players aren't messing around—secret bookcase doors, giant wood and glass tables, and bones, lots of decorative bones.
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rpg, role playing, dungeons and dragons, dnd, D&D, dnd memes, funny memes, gaming memes, nerdy memes, board games, tabletop games

The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (June 10, 2022)

Greetings, PCs and DMs. Back again for another round of the dankest Dungeons & Dragons memes, I see. Well you're in luck, because as usual, we've gathered all the best D&D content of the week. Be sure to share the wealth with the other members of your campaign—you never know when a good meme might inspire new strategies and storylines. They're also useful for keeping morale high during those lulls when no one can seem to meet up. But most fans don't need a reason to enjoy a bunch of relatable D…
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dungeons and dragons, dnd memes, D&D memes, D&D, dnd, tabletop games, gaming memes, board games, nerdy memes, dank memes, memes, fantasy

The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (June 3, 2022)

We're back with another fantastic round of the week's best Dungeons & Dragons memes, carefully mined from Broken Hills and Blacklakes of the internet. There are lots of great board games and RPGs out there, but can you name one that comes with a better stockpile of memes than Dungeons & Dragons? I think not. Whether you're in the middle of a campaign or you're just here for the memes , we've got some content that fans of all levels can appreciate.
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Funny dungeons and dragons memes

The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (May 27, 2022)

There are a lot of people out there who probably don't realize how much influence Dungeons & Dragons has had on the gaming world over decades. My dad still talks about all the afternoons he spent playing with his friends, and it doesn't seem like the game has lost any traction. If anything, I've been seeing more and more friends get into the game. And, unfortunately, I'm seeing my friends kids get into it. Which makes me feel old as hell. Many action and adventure role playing games that we kno…
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