

This Guy Deserves An Award

Funny meme that reads, "Dad challenges kids to draw him sleeping so he can have a nap" above a photo of a guy sleeping on a couch with kids drawing him
Via anlyin

Yup...That's Definitely A Baby Alright

Funny meme that reads, "When you're an inflight safety pamphlet designer who definitely knows what babies look like" above an illustration of a weird-looking baby
Via zombiekiller9952718


Funny tweet that reads, "I drew a ninja" above a blank image
Via anlyin

Pro Tip

Funny meme that reads, "Xmas tip: put your boyfriend at the side of your family in case you need to remove him later" above an illustration of a family photo with the boyfriend on the side being cut out of it
Via ColdCenturion
Funny dank memes featuring Mr. Rogers entitled, "I'm Not Very Good, But It Doesn't Matter" | being holy, Roman or an Empire Holy Roman Empire

Mr. Rogers Memes Representing Things We're Awful At

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Funny dank meme entitled 'Unfinished Horse Drawing'

Fourteen 'Unfinished Horse Drawing' Memes For The Half-Assers

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Funny illustrations, Disney princesses

Disney Princesses Look Much More, Um, Realistic In These Hilarious Illustrations

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16 Artsy Memes For All You Creative Types

15 Artsy Memes For All The Creatives Out There

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funny comic about having a chin cleft

50 Pleasantly Entertaining Comics From Poorly Drawn Lines

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Who Knew Snakes Could Be So Cute

Caption that reads, "Snakes with hands" above three pics of snakes with drawn-on hands and arms
Via rannek
funny unsettled tom memes

23 Memes That Prove 'Unsettled Tom' Is Still Going Strong

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Funny tumblr posts, quirky, amusing, jokes, shitposting.

25 Tumblr Sh*tposts For When You Have Nothing Better To Do

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A Work Of Art

Stock photo of a doctor telling a patient that he has to draw blood, above the same stock photo of him saying "thanks for waiting" and holding a drawing of a drop of blood
Via duffieldious01


Text that reads, "The sunshine doesn't come from the skies, it comes from the love that's inside a dog's eyes" above a creepy illustration of a dog's face
Via Partyin

Nailed It

Pic of Ariana Grande on someone's phone next to a terrible drawing they did of said photo
Via gordan12

Yeah, Dummy

Caption that reads, "Just because you have money in your account doesn't mean you can spend it" above an illustration of a guy pointing at himself in the mirror
Via KingRememberedInTime1