

A compilation of adorable animal memes and imagess

The Best Animal Memes of the Week (September 3rd, 2022)

In my humble opinion, the greatest song ever written is Gilda Radner's “ Let's Talk Dirty To The Animals .” In that tune, the original SNL cast member revealed some timeless truths about the animal kingdom. That song isn't really about being dirty or nasty or filthy. It's about camaraderie. Non-human animals don't want to be talked down to or patronized. Animals are people to, and they deserve to be talked to dirty just as much as anybody else. If you've never heard Gilda Radner tell an alligat…
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A compilation of adorable animal memes and images

The Most Adorable Animal Memes of the Week (August 27, 2022)

Dr. Dolittle is one lucky dog. That man can talk to the animals, and nobody bats an eye. He has been portrayed by Rex Harrison, Eddie Murphy, and Robert Downy Jr. Clearly, when they were casting these movies, they said, “Non-legends need not apply.” Only the most advanced actors
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Wholesome animal stories, cute animals

Wholesome, Heartwarming Animal Moments For a Warm and Fuzzy Scroll Session

If you're feeling drained by the world and, like, everything, you're not alone. We're all well aware of the turmoil facing most of the globe, be it pandemic-related, war-related, or violence-related. When times get tough and you fall into another doom-scrolling episode, it's best to try to press pause, take a deep breath, and do something that makes you happy. For us, that often means scrolling through something happy. The activity serves as a sort of palate cleanser in the face of the crap tha…
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A compilation of generally animal themed memes

Animal Memes To Celebrate Our Furry Little Friends

. Whoever said dogs were “Man's Best Friend” forgot to include penguins, raccoons , salmon, and all animals in the animal kingdom. Animals are the light of our lives. They deserve parades and non-toxic cakes celebrating their existence. Disney's Animal Kingdom is just that; a theme park devoted to celebrating animals 365 days a year. They say it's not a zoo, but it's totally a zoo. Animal Kingdom is 33% depictions of wildlife in Asia and Africa, 33% Pandora the World of Avatar, and 33% DInoland…
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Tweets, twitter, creepy dog, freaky dog

Creepy Subway Dog Collectively Horrifies the Humans of Twitter

Just another reason I'm a cat person.
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A list of dog breeds as zodiac signs

Dog Breeds as Zodiac Signs For Astrological Animal Lovers

Have you ever wondered what dog breed best represents your astrological sign ? Well, you've come to the right place. Dogs and zodiac signs are an interesting mix because if you got your dog from the shelter, you likely don't know their sign. You have to decide just by vibes whether your rottweiler is an Aquarius or a Scorpio. Spoiler alert, he's a Scorpio. Dogs have a different kind of birthday called “Gotcha Days,” which marks their adoption date. That's way more fun than a birthday could ever…
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Leather armor made for cats, dungeons and dragons, cosplay, pets

Leatherworker and Dungeons & Dragons Enthusiast Creates “Kitty Armor” So Your Cat Can Now Fully Be Immersed in the Game With You

Next up? Teaching your cat how to roll dice!
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A compilation of random memes and images.

A Display of Diddly-Darn Dandy Memes

There's nothing more endearing than watching religious children try not to swear. They shout “son of a biscuit” after stubbing their toe. These kids have an endless diatribe of “fricks” that comes out of their mouths every day. This goofy censorship is one of the last great American dynasties. One of my favorite non-swear word is “gosh diddly darn." Aside from its obvious southern flair, the alliteration and the modification of “darn” with the far more silly “diddly” elevates this phrase to a p…
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A compilation of random memes and images.

Earnest Memes For Wholesome Souls

There are so many different kinds of memes in the world. As time has gone on, we tend to veer more and more absurd in our memes to the point where internet trends the past are virtually unrecognizable. Some of us also dabble in edgelord memes that may you may or may not want your mom or your boss to see you post. However, there’s one kind of meme that I believe will never die. And that of course, is the wholesome meme. Wholesome memes work for every age demographic. They’re great for people who…
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A compilation of adorable animal memes.

Animal Memes for Those Who Know What Comes After Genus & Species

It’s very easy to have a knowledge of Animal Kingdom on a very superficial level. You go to your local zoo, you see the zebras, and you think you know something. If you’re a regular viewer of Animal Planet or the Discovery Channel, you might feel a little bit superior to the rubes who called themselves the next Steve Irwin. Unfortunately, neither of these groups truly compare to the real hobbyists. Do you know the kinds of people we can look at a prehistoric fish thing and tell you it’s genus,…
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A compilation of random memes, tumblr posts, and tweets.

Memes To Cross Off Your Summer Reading List

As a nearly-constant internet user, I often wonder how much reading I do that's just on the internet. Sure, I might not read as much daily as I did when I was an English major, but these tweets and Tumblr posts have got to count for something, right? Allegedly, we read completely differently when using technology versus merely reading on paper. According to research, we skim more when reading online than in a paper book, even when reading e-books or PDFs of scanned book pages. I will admit that…
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A compilation of cute images and memes of dogs.

Wholesome Dog Images For Those In The Mood To See A Dog

Even if you don't have a doggy of your own, you likely see dogs every day. When I'm walking to work and see an incredibly excitable puppy lunging toward me, I often feel conflicted about how to proceed. While, on the one hand, I'd love to pet the dog and give it all of the affirmations it deserves, I know most dog walkers usually don't want to get stopped by randos. It's a brutal world out there for us dog lovers without pets of our own. One of my favorite dog-related activities is looking at p…
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Random funny memes and images.

A Series Of Silly Goofy Images

This world is hard on silly memes . Memes filled with a joyous whimsy. Nothing in this world is harder than being a goofy and fun-loving meme. Actually, that's a lie. Though this world is hard on silly men (men filled with a joyous whimsy. Truly, nothing is hard than being a goofy and fun-loving man, ect) silly memes are actually quite common. Even memes that have a depressing edge are still rooted in humor. In some ways, making a hardcore meme is still inherently silly and goofy because you're…
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A compilation of random memes.

A Spoonful Of Memes To Help The Drudgery Of Life Go Down

Do you ever realize that life is like…kind of bad ? Well, what are you going to do about it? Rotting in your room and wasting away playing Yahtzee is always an option until you realize that marinating in your filth is not a long-term solution to anything. The grass always feels greener on the other side. When you have a job, you wish you didn't. When you're unemployed, you are freaking out trying to become employed. Nothing seems to go the way you want it to until it does. Every day, you are ju…
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A compilation of random memes.

Gut-Busting Memes For Those With An Intact Gut

Let's be honest. You need a laugh; I need a laugh. We all need to laugh a little bit more. We can't keep rewatching the same three seasons of Strangers With Candy until we die to get the last few giggles out of our usually unamused husks of bodies. Laughter is a force of healing, and if we don't do it enough, we're going to shrivel up and die. There are only so many 22-minute comedies you can consume in one day, especially if you are a person of the employed persuasion. Those 22-minute comedies…
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A compilation of random animal memes.

Animal Memes For Kids and Adults Alike

It is wild that nearly every kid I knew wanted to be an animal scientist or a marine biologist when they grew up. I guess it makes sense since animals are one of the four interests children consistently have across generations: animals, books, sports, and pink. If you meet a kid that doesn't possess at least one of these interests, you have just met an individual in the 99th percentile of uniqueness. Kids and adults love animals, and I don't blame them. Animals love you unconditionally unless t…
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