

Not Fun facts submitted by reddit users. | r/AskReddit Join u/slayeris471 9h O 1 2 160 e 110 3 115 1 121 is NOT fun fact? WrongJohnSilver 8h 8 5 Awards man once had tapeworm get cancer cancer metastasized, and man died tumors tapeworm throughout his entire body. Reply 18.7k

28 Bleak Facts That Are The Opposite Of Fun

Womp womp
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Funny memes and tweets about coronavirus and people not wearing masks | No Masks One Mask Two Masks | Arjun Arya, MD, MSc aryadoctoryet PSA: if worried about C02 accumulation masks, our climate crisis is going blow mind

Pandemic-Related Memes And Tweets For People Who Are Sick Of The BS

This ain't goin' away anytime soon, so we might as well get comfortable.
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Funny memes about people forgetting about the COVID-19 pandemic and focusing more on the protests | Assassination chain law enforcement protestors elected officials COVID-19 | Toy Story Andy dropping Woody US riots start Coronavirus US Media don't want play with anymore 0.

Coronavirus Memes For Anyone Who Forgot That There's A Pandemic Going On

Be safe out there!
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Funny video sketch showing quarantine as a parent of a middle schooler

Video Sketch About Quarantine With A Middle Schooler Is Hilariously Accurate

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Interesting video that explains the dangers of going outside vs. staying inside during the COVID-19 pandemic

Informative Video Explains The Spread Of COVID-19 Indoors Vs. Outdoors

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Those Were The Days

Funny meme that reads, "Old photo of people eating at a crowded restaurant, 2019 B.C. (Before Corona)" above a black-and-white photo of people in a restaurant
Via KingRememberedInTime1
Funny memes about people who work in the healthcare profession | woman yelling at cat Patients who go hospital back pain at work who's had back pain since nursing school @thefacetiousmurse | Joker Wanna know got these scars codebluememes

Eighteen Healthcare Memes For The Heroes Who Deserve Some Damn Hazard Pay

Y'all deserve way more for your tireless efforts!
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Funny video sketch comparing day one of quarantine and day 50 of quarantine

Video Sketch About Day One Vs. Day 50 In Quarantine Is Spot-On

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Funny video that makes Donald Trump's comments on 'disinfectant' into a song

This 'Trump Disinfectant Remix' Is A Serious Banger

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Funny memes about working in healthcare | New grads signing up 7K per week travel gig without reading fine print about bringing own PPE and 15:1 ratio DIE BURGER @codebluememes | Medical professionals talking about disgusting stuff over meal together

Healthcare Memes For Those Working Tirelessly To Keep Us Healthy

We can't thank you all enough!
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Funny comedy sketch video where a woman tries to explain the COVID-19 pandemic to her past self

Woman Explains The Pandemic To Her Past Self In This Hilariously Surreal Sketch

This is so accurate it hurts.
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Funny video of a Dalek from Doctor Who policing the streets to get people to stay indoors

British Police Use A Dalek To Order People To Stay Quarantined

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Aww Yeaaah

Funny meme that reads, "Summer 2020 gonna be lit" above photos of people doing summer activities wearing hazmat suits
Via KingRememberedInTime1
Funny memes about healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic | Most people talking about quarantine like 'll be over soon working healthcare and briefly looking at numbers: monkey puppet side eye | charge nurse starts huddle they have some bad news about PPE memenurseofficial nalmemecine Oplain film.medical.memes Hey all cool cats and kittens NETFLIX. carol baskin tiger king

Twenty-Two Gratitude-Filled Memes For The Tired Healthcare Workers

We can't thank you all enough!
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Funny meme that reads, "The sign at the pizza place I go to" above a photo of a sign telling patrons to "back the fuck up" due to COVID-19 quarantine
Via Chiefwill

There's No End In Sight

Funny tweet about sanitizing everything during the coronavirus quarantine | just clorox wiped a bottle of purell and purelled my hands cuz i touched the clorox bottle
Via Chiefwill
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