
dirty jokes

dirty jokes, funny, unintentionally funny, mistakes, funny mistakes, funny signs, memes, accidental memes, they knew, innuendo, subtext

Accidental Jokes & Innuendoes That Feel Deviously Intentional

Suggestive words and images are floating around us all the time, usually trying to sell us something or competing to capture our attention for one reason or another. Sometimes the intended message of a sign, advertisement, or slogan is totally eclipsed by an unintentional innuendo, like the time Jersey Mike's Subs tweeted, “how do you top your sub?” The dirty-minded immediately got the “accidental” subtext . Sometimes it's so obvious, it's hard to believe it was a mistake. Like, come on. Are yo…
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pornhub, pornhub comments, funny comments, comment section, memes, wholesome, clever comebacks, dirty jokes

Funny Moments From the Pornhub Comment Section

Watching porn on the internet isn't exactly as socially acceptable as, say, watching YouTube. And you certainly can't visit porn sites as casually as you'd visit your favorite subreddit. If you browse the comment section of a controversial PewDiePie video, few will question it. But if you're like, “I went on Pornhub for the comments," sorry, but no one's going to believe you. Luckily, thanks to subreddits like r/PornhubComments , now you can enjoy Pornhub's comment section gold without feeling…
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humor twitter Twitter Thread best tweets dirty jokes funniest-tweets dark humor lol funny women - 17681669

Funniest Twitter Thread Has People Answering the Age Old Question That’s Been Stumping Men for Centuries

Where is this mysterious lady magic bean?? Reveal your secrets!
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tiktok, funny, yoga, contortionist, funny comments, funny tiktok comments, dirty mind, dirty jokes, memes

Flexible Contortionist Sparks Comically Raunchy Comment Section

TikTok needs to get its mind out of the gutter
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Funny dad makes joke about mom's gargling, sex joke, dirty joke, naughty

Quick-Witted Dad Makes Dirty Joke and Mom's Not Mad About It

It's almost always disturbing to hear parents talk about “the old” days and their naughty exploits. But sometimes, they do it in a way that's so funny we can let it slide.
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Funny tee-shirts, comedic tees, novelty, humor, comedy, jokes

23 People Who Harnessed The Comedic Powers Of T-Shirts

Casual sartorial silliness.
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Funny memes and tweets.

28 Miscellaneous Tweets For Supreme Time Wastage

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