

Do Your Part to Keep It That Way

sign IRL dinosaurs - 6698871296

Baby T-Rex Costume

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Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via Cheezburger )

Almost Got It...

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Created by Sup123

Oh God, Why?

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Created by jtcaseley1

The Meteorite Was the Source of the Light...

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Created by PetePete

Bring It On, T-Rex

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Via Fake Science

Why Won't You Let Us Frolic in Peace!?

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Created by butterflyperception

Reframe: T-Rex Is Back

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Created by Emborn

Comixed: Curse You, Darwin!

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Created by bssdude726

What The Evil Scientists Don't Want You to Know

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Via Reddit


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Not the Mama

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Created by PetePete

Keep Your Sharptooth Away from My Longneck!

A Logo Can Chang A Logo Can Change Everything dinosaurs shadow The Land Before Time t rex - 6505436416
Created by MisterBri

Ma (Gravity Falls) Totally Looks Like Dr. Bleeb (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story)

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Created by EpicAwesome29

Jurassic Regret

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Created by AugustusFAIL

And Evolution Is Just a Theory

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Via Ohheymelshay