

Judgment Day Is Here

Uber Eats banner that says "Be prepared to meet Jesus outside" with caption that reads, "Did Uber Eats just threaten me??"
Via moghees


Funny comic about uber eats.
Via distinguishedbaloney

That's A Better Name For Them

First guy texts his friend that he only ate one "nasty apple things" with a photo of a salad with radishes on the side; friend texts back that they are radishes, not apples, and the first guy says they are "mini dirt apples"
Via turtleneckedflatbread

Savage Mom

Caption that reads, "My mom made everyone get out of her picture with the food 'cause 'ain't nobody help'" above a pic of a mom surrounded by plates of food that she made
Via SliderBoom


Caption that reads, "When someone takes the last slice of pizza" below a pic of a sculpture of a baby putting its hand into a man's mouth
Via FoxInZox

Girl Fails Spectacularly At Grilling Burgers In This Ridiculous Snapchat Saga

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F*cking Weirdos

Caption that reads, "People who only eat two slices of pizza and say they're full" above a pix of Jennifer Lawrence looking disgusted
Via UserguyMcMister


Tweet that reads, "I was home for Christmas and my parents cooked a beef tenderloin. I said, 'Man, Budapest is going to love this.' They asked who Budapest was. I said, I named my stomach Budapest because it's the capital of HUNGRY,' and that's when they stopped calling me son"
Via michaelllclark

Has A Nice Ring To It

Text that reads, "35 years ago in elementary school, one of my friends called a 'sloppy Joe' an 'untidy Joseph.' I haven't been able to call it anything else since then. Now you'll call it that too"
Via Orikson

It's A Struggle Every Night

Tumblr post that reads, "Sensible part of your brain: you made enough pasta that you could take it for lunch tomorrow. Put it in a container; Overwhelming majority of brain: shovel the pasta into your face. Do it. Put it in your face. The future is meaningless but the pasta is now"
Via jessedeee

It's A Trap

Funny meme about mom tricking you into setting the table.
Via dancharlton

But They're So Hungry

Caption that reads, "When you own dogs and try to eat" above a pic of three cute dogs looking at someone with food
Via anlyin

We're Inseparable

"When you and your best friend have matching outfits"
Via DoucheBagMachete
Funny memes about food, weed, 4/20.

30 Food Memes To Satisfy Your 4/20 Munchies

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hmm what's for dinner playlist
Via Finnthehuman223
twitter FAIL thanksgiving true story dinner family holidays - 1166597

Internet Brings the Creative Fire With Latest Attempts at Describing That Upcoming Holiday Dinner In Three Words

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