

Chart, pizza, venn diagrams, funny memes, charts, similarities, so true, Memes, venn diagram, diagram, meme, too true, citations, differences, funny, funny meme

30 Venn Diagram Memes That Compare and Contrast

Yay or nay?
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science, biology, chemistry, diagram, weird, funny, interesting, shitposts, nerdy, nerdy memes

Serious Science Diagrams That Look Like Elaborate Jokes

Sh*tpost central
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Funny dank memes entitled, "Where Does It Hurt?" | where does hurt WBlooBatoonsD head ache Stomach going 2nd 8th Mario Kart | Where does hurt Stomach ache Headache say joke and no one heard so repeat and someone says just said

'Where Does It Hurt' Memes Reveal Life's Most Excruciating Pains

It hurts so good!!
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Funny and strange Venn diagram between Spongebob, Squidward and Patrick from the Nickelodeon TV show Spongebob
Via Wichelmich

Yeah, Dummy

Caption that reads, "Just because you have money in your account doesn't mean you can spend it" above an illustration of a guy pointing at himself in the mirror
Via KingRememberedInTime1

Just. Leave. Me. Be!!

Caption that reads, "When Jesus is tryna take the wheel but you wanna keep sinning" above an illustration of a guy driving a car with an enraged facial expression
Via aschoobs

WI-FI Distribution Through an Apartment

mindwarp gifs diagram - 8364047104
Via Bing

You'll Never Think About Shrimp Cocktails the Same Way Again

shrimp chicken tail diagram double meaning - 7119200256

It's a Mess Down There

benjamin netanyahu Israel bomb diagram - 6645890304
See all captions Created by KaanTheKordor


bees diagram double meaning killer literalism - 6174309120
Created by Serrena ( Via Fashionably Geek )

I + C = D

crash diagram FAIL gifs helpful internet ouch sad but true - 6154875392
Created by Jo-Zeeworm

The Product is Practically Invisible!

body diagram double meaning human literalism muscles - 5904281344
Created by cyborgcowboy69

The Internet Is a Series of Tubes Filled With Hedgehogs

critters diagram gifs hedgehogs internet tubes - 5657542400
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via )


pi pun - Dish - SO MUCH PUN.COM
Created by Unknown


diagram double meaning explanation guns n roses keyboard literalism slash - 4853433856

They Intersected at an Intersection

diagram similar sounding van venn diagram - 4845354496
Created by xyzpdq1
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