

Wandering in the desert of humor and memes, it's not easy to find a fresh oasis. Try to make your own with these arid memes and puns.

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Southwestern Memes for Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada Residents

Something for everybody
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summer summertime hot 100-degrees degrees weather summer-sucks hate-summer fall autumn spooky sweaty mosquitos bugs humid desert record-breaking heat meme memes summer-memes

27 Hot n' Sweaty Memes for Mere Mortals Who Hate Summer

Scorching hot memes for indoor fiends hiding from the sun
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travel, traveling, vacation, country, america, united states, USA, states, Florida, new york, transportation, tourists, tourism, Indiana, the south, national park, nature, desert, visit

Americans Discuss What to Avoid When Visiting the United States

Americans, if someone was planning to travel abroad to the United States, what advice would you give them? If it were me, I'd recommend that they avoid tourist traps completely. If they were planning to stay in New York, they should avoid Times Square at all costs. It's expensive, overcrowded, and interesting for all of two minutes. Also, don't go to Ohio . That being said, I'm not a tour guide. I can speak for where I've lived and that’s only three states. I don't know the first thing about Fl…
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cowboy, cowboys, wild west, western, cowboy boots, cowboy hat, usa, memes, funny, funny memes

A Hoedown of Cowboy Memes Under the Influence of the Wild West

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WTF happens to the other bones??

Funny meme about bulls dying in a desert | bull in desert: dies every other bone in their body adios their skull Bonjour bear
Via u/99_xe

Dying Last Wish, Granted

desert skeleton beach prank - 8766818048
Via steffenw

How Deserts are Made

earth web comics How Deserts are Made
Via unearthedcomics


awesome burning man desert post apocalyptic Pure Awesome robot spider - 3891752704
See all captions Created by kennethjnoisewater

People in California Be Like

Via The Meal Storm

Still Alone

relationships are tough
Via White Graffiti

Dog Goes Cruising Around The Desert

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Star Wars VII Looks Way Different Without CGI

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Created by sebenty

Desert Canoe

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Who Doesn't Like Scorpions?

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Google Mapping The Liwa Desert, a 100km Wide Oasis Area in The United Arab Emirates

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Created by ani.s4 ( Via )

Mounting a Go Pro to An Eagle

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