

Retro comics with depressing messages about modern dating

Vintage-Style Comics With Depressing Messages About Modern Dating

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Depressing tweets about very expensive medical bills paid in the US

Disheartened Americans Reveal The Astronomical Medical Bills They've Received

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Informative video about how and why it costs more money to be in poverty

Video Explains Why Life Is More Expensive For Those In Poverty

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Damn that's rough

Funny meme that reads, "Remember, if you feel bad this guy played 'grass' in his school play" above a pic of a kid lying down wearing a green costume
Via sureasyourebornyourenevergoingtoseenounicorn

We All Have That One Song

Funny tweet that reads, "You know that one song in your playlist that you skip every single time it pops up on shuffle but you refuse to delete it because it sounded nice the first few times you heard it? Yeah I'm that. I'm THAT song. The song you're never in the mood for"
Via anlyin
Twitter thread that reveals a heart-wrenching detail about 'The Last Jedi'

A Star Wars Fan Figured Out This Heart-Wrenching Detail From 'The Last Jedi'

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This Is Actually Weirdly Accurate

Funny meme with Ariana Grande and Kendall and Kylie Jenner about being drunk and having an existential crisis at the same time
Via Nadiiiiiiii

Pretty Depressing

Depressing 'Distracted Boyfriend' meme about how the media is reporting more on Spider-Man than the Amazon rain forest burning
Via JoMan1001
Depressing Twitter reactions about the Amazon rain forest being on fire

The Amazon Rainforest Is Currently On Fire (10 Reactions)

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Funny trending memes entitled 'Glass Book Page Holder'

'Glass Book Page Holder' Is Peak Self-Deprecating Humor (13 Memes)

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Funny memes, random memes, Dwayne johnson as a Karen meme, Meme about Rick Astley featuring Captain america.

42 Goofy Memes To Help You Scroll The Pain Away

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Hi Hello

Funny meme about someone being too clingy and getting attached to new friends very quickly
Via thekingsurinal
Funny tweets and depressing tweets about student loans.

28 Student Loan Tweets For Everyone In The Damn Struggle

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Memes about depression

21 Lightly Depressing Memes For Those In A Little Rut

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Not Trying To Get Committed Here

Funny meme about not being completely truthful at the doctor's office about feeling depressed
Via Exuberantkitten

Why Am I Like This

Funny Reddit meme about a worst character trait being hating oneself while still thinking you're better than everyone
Via F3AR6661