
depressing tweets

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18 Cringey & Upsetting Reminders That Everything Is Terrible

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Funny random memes and tweets, dank memes, relatable memes, animals, twitter memes, humor, comedy, procrastination, boredom

Buckets Of Memes For Bored People

It's all for you.
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Depressing memes and tweets, relatable, depression, anxiety

35 Downer Memes For Anyone Feeling The Ennui

We've all been there.
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Depressing headlines and tweets from our dystopian reality, news, politics, covid-19, money, capitalism | stress COVID can be made worse by holiday season hope this one-time offering postage-paid envelope mail rent check will relieve some stress | Tyson Foods Managers Placed Bets On Many Workers Would Catch Covid-19, Wrongful Death Lawsuit Alleges

17 Bleak Dispatches That Reflect Our Dystopian Reality

We live in hell.
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Depressing memes, self-deprecating memes, anxiety memes, funny tweets, twitter memes, relatable memes and tweets | girlsclothes do people their twentys do except go grocery store grace-has-forgiveness sometimes lie bed paralyzed by knowledge life is neither meaningful nor enjoyable asgarddropout and then go get snacks | Are night person or morning person at night morning screaming screaming begins again possum

Slightly Sad Memes And Tweets Filled With Self-Deprecation

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Funny and depressing memes, self-deprecating memes.

Slightly Depressive Memes For Self-Deprecating People

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Funny random tweets, relatable tweets

Thirty Tasty Tweets For People With Nothing Better To Do

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Funny tweets and depressing tweets about student loans.

28 Student Loan Tweets For Everyone In The Damn Struggle

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Well Stated

Tweet that reads, "I live for two reasons: 1.) I was born, 2.) I haven't died yet"
Via Benman85101