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Delusional Lady Charges People to Cat-Sit, Calls It a 'Cat Cafe'

The side hustle has gone too far
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reddit, reddit thread, aita, am i the asshole, adultery, cheating, affair, cheating, relationships, marriage, step children, family, parenting, kids, divorce, affair, delusional, entitled

Entitled Cheater Expects Ex-Husband to Babysit Her Affair Partner's Kids and Include Them In ‘Family Traditions’

What was she thinking?
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relationships, toxic relationship, toxic relationships, delusional, kids, children, daughter, mother, mom, boyfriend, wtf, reddit, argument, disagreement

'He doesn't want to start a life with someone who's broken': Redditor's Slam Woman's 'Dream Partner' When He Tries to Pressure Her Into Putting Her Daughter Up for Adoption

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People roast redditor for relationship problem, expects to be

Delusional Husband Demands Wife Introduce Him As Pilot Despite Having Zero Piloting Experience

Listen, everyone has a dream. Lucky people have passions. But not everyone is lucky enough to do what they love, or even pursue it professionally. So we're stuck doing jobs like writing for a content mill or working as the manager of a f ast food restaurant. The latter happens to be the case for an especially insane redditor, who took to the site (in a now-deleted post) to ask for help from avgeeks and pilots with a very p eculiar relationship problem. The redditor explains that while he works…
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