


Funny meme that reads, "The only happy ending" above a photo of a bunch of mostly eaten ice cream cones with chocolate in the bottom
Via madman434
Funny memes about cooking and food | recipe: 2 cloves garlic got pic of many garlic cloves | tries cook again fire alarms my house many times do have teach this lesson, old man? sponegbob squarepants fish

Fourteen Delicious Cooking Memes For Amateur Chefs

Memes for those who love food!
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Let's Hear It For The Potato

Funny object-label meme about appreciating potatoes in any form | unbreakable kimmy schmidt titus hugging with tears in his eyes
Via Weirdatlast


Funny meme that reads, "Before the holidays vs. after the holidays" above pics of a regular-sized stormtrooper next to a fat stormtrooper
Via anlyin

Potatoes Are True Love

Funny meme that shows a guy who represents "me" hugging a woman who represents "potatoes in literally every form"
Via esms3


Funny meme that reads, "Recipe: 2 cloves of garlic; Me: got it" above a photo of a ton of garlic on a cutting board
Via Painahimah
cover image about thanksgiving

15 Cynical Thanksgiving Memes That'll Give You A Break From All The Family Drama

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Funny meme that reads, "We all know one homie who still eats like this" above a photo of a plate of a bunch of junk food
Via LeoSenior

This Is Not False

Funny meme that reads, "Interesting fact #204: donuts are healthier than crystal meth" above a photo of a donut
Via LetsTalkAboutMuttsBaby

Those Square Pizzas

Caption that reads, "Today in 1997 your school served you this for lunch and you were excited about it" above a photo of square pizza in a pan
Via booksRmyfriends
stupid memes greasy burger McDonald's dumb memes funny memes delicious burger king fast food hamburger - 8381701

14 Deliciously Dumb Burger Memes For The Greasy Fiends

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Real Tasty

Caption that reads, "Me before every test" above pics of a guy drinking "dumb juice"
Via _lukoxy

Few Consider This

Caption that reads, "As an 'adult' I always forget that I can buy a cake whenever I want and no one can stop me" above a pic of a chocolate cake
Via LeoSenior
pizza memes

37 Cheesy Pizza Memes For The Weirdoughs

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Caption that reads, "When you order food and they say it'll take 45 minutes and it arrives in 20" above a Justn Bieber tweet that reads, "So blessed. So moved. So grateful. Can't believe this is my life. Never going to take it for granted. Always going to give back. Thank you"
Via oenavia

Garlic Bread Will Never Betray You

Pic of garlic bread with text that reads, "Only garlic bread has no 'end.' Garlic bread will always stay by your side, share to spread the truth"
Via battenburgers