

languages, sign language, reading, funny memes, words, word, definition, language, Memes, different languages, foreign language, wordplay, poorly worded, funny meme

Word Memes For Vocabulary Fans Who Can't Stop Looking Up Definitions

Can I have a definition?
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explainer, ick, gen z, slang, word, definition, disgusted, explain like i'm 35, millennial

Explain Like I'm 35: What is the Ick?

The established slang word that is more relevant than ever.
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Then I'm Very Intellectual

Funny meme that reads, "Intellectual: someone who has found something more interesting than sex and alcohol"
Via LeoSenior

Few Realize This

Definition of Wyoming that claims that the state does not actually exist
Via fishingdownbythelake

Pls Give Me A Definition

Caption that reads, "Mom: Don't you have any friends you could be hanging out with right now?" Above a still of Eleven from Stranger Things asking, "What is 'friend'?"
Via 9bananastall

Thanks for Clearing That Up

image trolling definition Thanks for Clearing That Up
Via clestroying

We Know What That Fourth 'F' Is All About

Via 12530

Modern Art Simplified

Via Wrong Hands

SMP CLASSIC: Beauty...

beauty bee beholder classic definition Hall of Fame idiom literalism similar sounding - 6153862912
Via Failbag

I Still Don't Know What Irony Means, Is That Ironic?

definition language idiots irony - 3194508544
Created by EnglishMajorSeesYou

Someone Needs the Internet in Their Brain

spoilers lazy definition - 3212910848
Created by SnS


definition camera photographer - 6766633216
Created by bitterjake

Years Later, She Still Hasn't Lived It Down

true story siblings definition - 6186277632
Created by mamaguess

What a 1337 Haxzor!

definition facebook hacked - 6628782080

Don't You Use a Word to Define a Word With Me, Mister

definition dictionary Rage Comics tableflip - 6453474048

Mexican Wave

definition lolwut Mexican mustache origin sombrero wave - 6171370240
Created by HeapsGoodProductions
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