

Our Benefits Aren't Gonna Pay for Themselves!

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Americans Live for Debt

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Hooray for Debt!

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And That's How We'll Get to The Center of The World

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Via Befuddled Stranger

That's a Hell of a Dollhouse

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Is College Worth It?

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Via priceonomics

Debt Collector 2: Collect Harder

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Created by antibodee


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Created by ebondefender

Who Built the Debt?

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Via Ed Wisdom

Yes. Well-Built Indeed!

america debt economy Mitt Romney political pictures Republicans - 6496394240
See all captions Created by atomicbrain

One Percent to Rule Them All

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Created by Unknown

Cupid Intervenes

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See all captions Created by Sylviag

Wheel of College

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america barack obama Canada debt political pictures stephen harper usa - 5533575424
See all captions Created by beernbiccies

The Circle of Debt

debt england europe france Germany greece Ireland Italy Japan political pictures UK - 5451735552