
A compilation of funny tweets about parenting and kids

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (January 26, 2023)

A reddit post about a teenage son whose parents are obsessed with his younger sister and make his birthday about her.

Cruel Parents Make Their Son's Birthday Party All About His 'Golden Child' Sister

mom, influencer, kids, daughter, christmas, gifts, presents, meltdown, debate, controversy, tiktok, twitter

Mommy Influencer Sparks Controversy With Meltdown Over Kid Opening Everybody's Christmas Presents

height, short, tall, family, dad, daughter, shoes, high heels, wedding, dumb, aita, reddit

Insecure Dad Attends Wedding With Daughter, Refuses to Let Her Wear Heels

goncharov, francesca scorsese, martin scorsese, movie, trolling, message, daughter, dad, wholesome, tiktok, tumblr

Martin Scorsese's Daughter Confirms That Her Dad Is in on the Joke With "Goncharov"

reddit, reddit thread, relationships, am i the asshole, aita, step dad, mom, daughter, family, parenting

Weird Stepdad Thinks Wife's 16-Year-Old Daughter Should Pay for Everything Herself

parenting, mom, sisters, family, argument, birth, wedding, aita, reddit

Mom Sparks Intense Debate After Being Forced to Choose Between Daughters

idris elba, beast, film, movie, movies, casting, actor, father, daughter, nepotism, funny twitter

Idris Elba Gets Roasted For Rejecting Daughter as Co-Star in New Movie "Beast"

A compilation of hilarious tweets about parenting.

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (August 11, 2022)

Embarrassing Dad Shouts to Restaurant Waiter That His Daughter Finds Him Cute, the Humiliation Is Contagious

Embarrassing Dad Shouts to Restaurant Waiter That His Daughter Finds Him Cute, the Humiliation Is Contagious

Mom Tries to Take a Video of Daughter Saying My ‘My Goodness’ but Instead Captures an Adorable, ‘For F**KS Sake'

Mom Tries to Take a Video of Daughter Saying My ‘My Goodness’ but Instead Captures an Adorable, ‘For F**KS Sake'

Evil Genius Father Pranks His Kids Playing With a Ouija Board by Cutting off All the Power in Their Bedrooms

Evil Genius Father Pranks His Kids Playing With a Ouija Board by Cutting off All the Power in Their Bedroom

Father Threatens Daughter That He’ll Tell Restaurant Waiter She Thinks He’s Cute if She Doesn’t Agree to Do His Laundry

Father Threatens Daughter That He’ll Tell Restaurant Waiter She Thinks He’s Cute if She Doesn’t Agree to Do His Laundry

Funny Twitter story about a dad and daughter playing a funny wholesome game | Bridie Connell O @BridieKConnell 16h Right. So my dad and are both very competitive/stubborn have been locked battle pinch and punch, first day month years. 15 years be exact. Neither us remember started.

Woman Plays Wholesome Game With Her Dad In This Amusing Twitter Story

Reese Witherspoon creepy celeb family twins daughter - 9144865280

The Resemblance Is Uncanny To Say The Least

Wholesome Moments From Extremely Proud Fathers

10 Wholesome Moments From Extremely Proud Fathers