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'He had a tall head': 20+ Hilariously petty reasons daters refused a second date

She had Man Hands, George.
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'She has a type': Legendary woman invites 5 dates to the same bar, lets them 'battle it out'

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Woman tries to con widower out of a free meal, lashes out when it backfires: ‘Men are not meal tickets’

No such thing as a free lunch
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'This is catastrophic': Twitter users discuss the rise of online dating and the fall of meeting people through friends or at school

The tides are shifting
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People Share First Date Stories That Made Them Decide Against a Second Date

"Maybe we should just be friends"
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Dude Freaks Out After Woman on Dating App Says His Profile Appeals to "The Female Gaze"

It's not that serious
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Dude's Crazy Tinder Bio Demands Very Specific Woman: No Nurses, Corpulent Women, or O+ Blood Types

He's got "high standards"
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Funny memes about being single, singles day, china, funny memes | Day 371 of being single: @gay dumpster I....need a boyfriend | single egg carton Them How single are you? Me OLIV OIL

Memes And Tweets In 'Celebration' Of Singles Day

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Funny tinder troll profile, Bill the handyman (69).

Tinder Troll Strikes Gold With 'Bill The Handyman' Account

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tinder fails that really matched up well

18 Thirsty Tinder Moments That'll Make Your Dating Game Look Weak AF

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Dating trolls share their stories.

20 Dating Site Trolls Share Their Devious Antics

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