
darth vader


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Created by mr banjo
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Guy With a Darth Vader Mask Plays Flaming Bagpipes While Riding a Unicycle

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art star wars darth vader list - 103173

The Vader Project Gives the Sith Lord a New Look

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Why Isn't This in Venn Diagram Form?

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Via The Doghouse Diaries


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See all captions Created by DsHs

I Just Peed a Little

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Damn Vader, That's Nasty

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George P Mitchell Totally Looks Like Unmasked Darth Vader

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Created by hypple

This Makes Perfect Sense

Poster meme of Darth Vader shaking hands with Elvis, making any argument you might have invalid.
Created by beernbiccies

Senator John McCain Totally Looks Like Darth Vader w/ Helmet Off

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Created by adagioforstrings

Vader is Never Impressed

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Created by Proffer

Legs Or Phone, You Pick

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Created by PrincessWordplay

The Internet Comes to Life

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Created by mort1369

First World Sith Problem

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I Do See the Similarities...

star wars puns Star Trek funny darth vader - 7558658560
Created by Old_Iron_Sides