

Fear of the Dark

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Killer Prank

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Via Joan Cornella

The Lights Out

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Via Sophisticated Stickmen

I'm a Wizard!

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Late Night Bathroom Run

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Fear of The Dark

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Via According to Devin

Beneath the Facade of Nicety Lurks the Thoughts of the Depraved

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Via Webtoons

Introducing Grandpa's Ashes to The Great Lakes

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Via Mr. Lovenstein

Carol Looks Different

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Via Poorly Drawn Lines

A Guide to Plugging Things In in the Dark

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The Trick is to Lick Your Finger and Feel for It

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That Must Have Hurt.

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Created by anselmbe


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Created by ToolBee

Demons in the Dark

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Created by Unknown

Job Security?

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Created by Shannara13

How Do I Change The Brightness Level?!?!

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Created by CrazyCalvinWilliams