dank memes

Dank memes are basically just stale memes that have started to decompose, but users with a refined palate are able to appreciate those nuances of humor. Even if you have to brush a little dust of their shoulders, these memes still carry a glint of their former star power. Sometimes that's all you need. True meme connoisseurs can only appreciate the fine subtleties of a well-aged dank meme, so don't be discouraged, the deeper you go down the rabbit hole, the more everything will become clear..

Funny memes and Tumblr posts about cats | tweet by babypizzagaga my cat stuck his tongue out right as took this picture so looks like he has horrible little human lips and im literally about cry. stonks meme with meme man replaced by a chonky cat: human already fed but forgets and feeds again

Thirty-Nine Caturday Memes Littered With Dumb Entertainment

Funny starter pack memes about stereotypes of certain types of people - cover image includes "The 'I went to private school but I'm not a hipster' starter pack, and "The 'police officers risk their lives to protect us' starter pack"

Starter Packs That Take 'Basic' To A Whole New Level

Funny memes about the TV show The Witcher starring Henry Cavill | harry potter sitting in front of the mirror of erised: does this mirror do, professor shows us nothing more or less than deepest, most desperate desire our hearts Witcher Season 2. following a girl around with a trumpet: geralt dandelion

Whole Crap-Ton Of 'Witcher' Memes For The Addicts Who Can't Get Enough

Funny random memes and tweets | elf movie: Friend 1: getting married Friend 2: bought house SO, GOOD NEWS SAW DOG TODAY. pic of man in shape running and second pic of a woman on the phone while a man is on the ground clutching his chest: first minute running vs second minute running

Forty-Five Funny Random Memes For Those Bored To Tears

Funny meme that reads, "*Global conflict breaks out;* people: ..." above a still of Danny DeVito saying, "So anyway, I started meme-ing"

Yeah, So Helpful

funny memes to help people waste their time, dank memes, stupid memes, random memes, funny tweets | tweet by Person - Ali Garfinkel aligarchy DR have this disease oh no DR: but can cure with healthy diet and exercise OH NO. eric andre shooting hannibal meme: BABY BOOMERS AMERICA gunshots WHY WOULD MILLENIALS DO THIS?

Thirty-Eight Moderately Funny Memes For When You're Moderately Bored

Funny dank memes about World War I and World War II, history | cowboy bugs bunny shooting a gun in a saloon meme: Europe is literally big powder keg and see Archduke Austria pass near. drax the destroyer from guardians of the galaxy: Switzerland both world wars mastered ability standing so incredibly still become invisible eye. Watch.

World War Memes To Prepare Us All For The Third

Funny random memes, tweets, and Tumblr posts | stonks meme with the word stonks replaced by grades: parents think will happen they take all' electronics away. Starbucks Barista tries their best with super high expectations even though sill can't spell "February" without looking up spelled my name wrong.

Forty-Nine Chuckle-Worthy Memes Full Of Extremely Random Crap

Funny and brand new dank memes from Reddit | animaniacs yakko's nations of the world song: My crush love country music trying impress her. black man disappointed comic Iran U.S only sends one person. that one person is matt mii

Eighteen Hot Dank Memes Fresh Outta The Toaster

FUNNY MEMES, ENGINEERING MEMES, stupid memes, school memes, science memes, chemistry, biology, college, college memes | tweet by bejewelledbud Can guys please recommend books made cry? FreaseDaddy Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function by Vollhardt, K. Peter C. and Schore, Neil E 2014. Mechanical Engineer exists Literally any other engineer Just some common bitch.

Science & Engineering Memes For People Who Spent Too Much Time In School

funny gaming memes that imagine gamers during wwii | power rangers teenage mutant ninja turtles crossover: American gamers meet Iranian gamers and realise its their leaders who suck and not them. Fortnite players they can't build war guess die.

These WWIII Memes Roast The Dubious Combat Skills Of Gamers

Funny random memes | Tweet meme about having debilitating chest pains WHEN I CLICK SUBMIT PAYMENT | Simpson's meme of Bart Simpson falling and tumbling down the family stairs with each stair object-labeled as a different year of the past decade from 2011 to 2020

Forty-Four Entertainment-Filled Memes That Have No Purpose

Funny dank memes featuring "Tracksuit Joker" | the joker played by joaquin phoenix wearing a nike tracksuit and looking in the mirror: My therapist watching completely disregard all her advice

Thirteen 'Tracksuit Joker' Memes For The Unamused

Funny dank memes about chicken nuggets, or "chiccy nuggies" | Steven Crowder at a desk meme: "Boneless wings" are adult chicken nuggets CHANGE MY MIND. X-men meme Magneto asking Mystique to show him the real her but instead it's all different types of food: 9 year olds prefer real food said real food. Perfection.

Sixteen Chicken Nugget Memes In Honor Of The Internet's Favorite Food

funny doomer memes, doomer and goth girl, doomerette, wojak, reddit, instagram, dank memes | wojak lady egirl goth with choker and short dark hair. This is every straight couple Bushwick Imao every straight couple bushwick Imao every straight couple bushwick Tap tag location This is every every straight couple Bushwick. iran in 1973 iran in 2019.

Doomer Girl Memes Are Blowin' Up Pretty Much Everywhere

Funny dank memes about schools and their negligence when it comes to dealing with bullying | mike wazowski meme kid is being bullied schools kid defends himself schools: Principal throws 2 anti-bullying assemblies staff: Well boys did Bullying IS no more.

Sixteen Dank Memes About Bullying That Schools Will Definitely Ignore