dank memes

Dank memes are basically just stale memes that have started to decompose, but users with a refined palate are able to appreciate those nuances of humor. Even if you have to brush a little dust of their shoulders, these memes still carry a glint of their former star power. Sometimes that's all you need. True meme connoisseurs can only appreciate the fine subtleties of a well-aged dank meme, so don't be discouraged, the deeper you go down the rabbit hole, the more everything will become clear..

funny memes featuring paul rudd as ant-man marvel avengers | KENYA: CHINESE TOURIST ARRESTED WITH 300 ZEBRA PENISES HIS LUGGAGE hell happened here? DO NOT FEED HALLUCINOGENS TO THE ALLIGATORS hell happened here?

'What The Hell Happened Here' Memes Are For Situations That Leave You With Questions

Memes about hating baby yoda, baby yoda hate subreddit | WHO WOULD WIN? BABY YODA BABYNUT my red semi truck run them over Posted r/babyyodahate reddit | IMAGINE Baby Yoda Senses knife attack, he throw his chicky niggies at knife does nothing knive stabs 6. and caresses His sternum and arteries and blood splat goes everywhere on Mr Tumnus Narnias face

Hate Baby Yoda? There's A Safe Space For You On Reddit

Funny meme about math problems, wario, people buying oranges | people in math problems be like i've bought 23 dozen oranges but at what cost


Funny Dank memes from the movie 'Minions 2' entitled "Yes, I am Pretty Despicable" gru as a young boy with hair and wearing his signature striped scarf | 9-year old logging into Club Penguin without my parents' permission | super mario video game

Fifteen Dank 'Despicable Me'-mes From 'Minions 2'

Funny and dank history memes | 4 stages Germany World War II @dankhistory_memes yoda dabbing surrounded by clapping people VIBE CHECK cursed emoji frozen jack from the shining and master oogway | average presidential term lasts 4-8 years but speedrun only 30 days am speed cars lighting mcqueen

Fifteen Historical Memes Because We Could All Use A Little Education

Funny dank memes from the 'Sonic' movie entitled, "I Was Not Expecting That" featuring Jim Carrey | after first month 2020 has WWII, Australia on fire/floods coronavirus, and Kobe dying not expecting but expecting not expect something so doesn't really count | If man pays lunch, Pay dinner. If he pays movie tickets, Buy snacks. If he buys shoes, Get him nice suit. If he's having rough day, Help him out. Stop expecting be treated like queen while are not treating him like king

Fourteen 'Unexpected' 'Sonic' Memes Featuring Jim Carrey

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These Prequel Memes Are All About Strokes Of Minor Genius

Funny political memes about the democratic race for the presidency, bernie sanders, socialism, michael bloomberg, russia, media coverage, election 2020, pete buttigieg, elizabeth warren, donald trump | NEWS Hillary Clinton admits she feels an 'urge run against Trump again By Mark Moore January 28, 2020 10:21am Everyone disliked | political predictions have been proven wrong 763rd Time Media Russians nut button

Fresh Election Memes For Anyone Who Isn't Sick Of The Democratic Race

Funny random memes for Tuesday, monday, funny memes, random memes, dank memes, relatable memes, funny tweets, polyamory | spongebob characters everyone working at restaurant looks customer comes 10 minutes close sit down and eat. SERVERES | tiny dog head coming out of a suit armor This is imagine my dog feels he's protecting house by barking at leaves blowing by @tank.sinatra

Funny Memes To Counteract Terrible Tuesday

Funny meme about aging, depression, marilyn manson, robert smith, the cure | me when i was a kid thinking i knew what depression felt like me now even more depressed and with a body that doesn't work well anymore

Aging Is Fun

Funny random memes | and my dad tryna solve my homework: buffering cat and mini version | spongebob pointing at name tag: Mom can't breathe properly and my chest hurts Mom s because damn phone

Random Memes To Make Your Monday Better

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Dungeons & Dragons Shitposts For Anyone Craving The Campaign

Funny history memes | bernie sanders fundraising campaign Carthaginian senate immediately upon Hamilcar's return: I am once again asking military support | Benjamin Franklin designed one first US coins and instead saying God trust said: Mind business.

Myriad Of Fresh History Memes For The Academics

Depression and Anxiety memes, nintendo | pregnancy test that reads "cured" suffer depression and someone tells just be happy and not think about | Lonely people take longer, hotter showers or baths replace warmth they're lacking socially or emotionally. Storm @stormyamaya okay wasn't expecting be attacked like

Depression & Anxiety Memes For People Who Can't Stop Feeling The Feels

Funny tweets, relatable, relatable tweets, buddha, stupid memes, twitter memes, 280 characters or less, parenting tweets | hype @TheHyyyype first day as professor going be introduced some uncomfortable ideas here and tackle sensitive issues, but expect everyone be adults about class general whispering ok first topic pop tart is calzone class general outrage | Untastic Mr. Fitz @UnFitz Buddha: Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting other person die taking notes: Buddha says make

Funny Twitter Tidbits That Make Brevity Work

'Dank Drop' from the past week | dog face dust storm Random nonsense about sound fox makes Society 2013 | despicable me vector wins lottery kid who let borrow his eraser once back 1st grade

The Dank Drop: 25 Of Our Favorite Dank Memes Of The Week (2-15 To 2-21)