dank memes

Dank memes are basically just stale memes that have started to decompose, but users with a refined palate are able to appreciate those nuances of humor. Even if you have to brush a little dust of their shoulders, these memes still carry a glint of their former star power. Sometimes that's all you need. True meme connoisseurs can only appreciate the fine subtleties of a well-aged dank meme, so don't be discouraged, the deeper you go down the rabbit hole, the more everything will become clear..

Funny memes, dank memes, random memes, stupid memes, parenting memes, relatable memes funny tweets, twitter memes, having kids | Spooky Mama Pajama e mamapjs1 Embrace inner child. Run meadow. Laugh at sun. Follow rainbow. Pee pants. Get angry at color blue. Scream because circles should be squares. Tell stranger she looks like lady daddy's secret magazines. Believe magic. | looking at F my kid got math homework solved monkeys reading papers

Moderately Amusing Memes For Procrastination Purposes

Funny Twitter memes about the 'movie villain vs. the actual villain' | @Clo_vdn May 21 This one is my Dramione peeps Clothilde movie villain actual villain Voldemort and J. K. Rowling

Movie Villains Get Roasted In This Twitter Meme Full Of Hot Takes

Funny dank memes from the past week sourced from /r/DankMemes | Dad: Look into my eyes if laugh lying. Also my dad: Donald Trump without nose | Earth: wins miss universe 67th time Aliens: Monsters Inc. in dresses

The Dank Drop: 25 Of Our Favorite Dank Memes Of The Week (5-16 To 5-22)

Funny random memes, funny tweets, funny tumblr posts | cat holding a naked adult human while a car flies in the background friend: omg had dream where married my crush my dreams: Shutte St Here's child | as-seenon-tv love working at joann fabrics today guy asked show him fake fur and did he goes "noooo this won't do" and part my job is giving advice projects so asked him he using and he looks down at floor and quietly says wanna make yeti costume scare people with go skiing weltinator #scooby do

A Smorgasbord Of Memes For Indulgent Time-Wasting

Funny memes about Robotnik pressing the red button, harambe, jim carrey, sonic memes, sonic the hedgehog, relatable memes, facebook aunts, gaming | Believing all conspiracy theories have no evidence supporting Believing scientists and doctors who have evidence and proof days Facebook Aunts | shoot an angry gorilla's head off tranquilize an angry gorilla Cincinnati zoo

'Robotnik Pressing Red Button' Memes Celebrate Peoples Bad Choices

Funny dank memes about the four elements from Avatar: The Last Airbender | Hair Hwater Hfire Hearth the four elements underwater on fire covered in mud | Will Smith TWEN 320 Bel-Air Y20 Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Bel-Air Bel-Water MG Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Bel-Fire Bel-Earth

Fifteen 'Four Elements' Memes That Offer A Dumb Play On Words

Funny reaction memes and tweets to scientists discovering a potential parallel universe | Kronk Emperor's New Groove NASA news: High-energy particles Antarctica could prove parallel universes 's another one Apocalypse Bingo! | Captain America Astor George @grandpabbychuck choking my parallel universe doppelganger who has better life than so can take his place.

Scientists May Have Discovered A Parallel Universe, Internet Reacts

Funny random memes, relatable memes, dank memes, stupid memes, funny memes, spongebob memes, dank memes | Flies entering my house: Flies trying leave my house: Mr. Krabs Front door is missing! SWAT team Spongebob | Cats are not as loyal as dogs but at least don't tell police where drugs are

50 Quality Memes To Improve Your Mood

Funny memes, plant memes, house plants | Kylo Ren with long blonde hair shouting more and a huge collection of plants


Funny dank memes that show Matt Damon aging rapidly | realize Saving Private Ryan came out twenty years ago. | Daughter: Can get McDonald's at 35 have food at home

'Aging Matt Damon' Memes Are Making Us Feel Really Out Of Touch

Funny lord of the rings memes, dank lord of the memes memes, funny memes, random memes, frodo baggins, boromir, faramir, gandalf, legolas | My parents front people: Kids really are amazing creatures My parents alone: Always cast poor reflection on Gollum I have done nothing wrong, ever my life parks.n.rec Frodo know this, and love .

Tolkien Tuesdays: 35 Dank Lord Of The Rings Memes

Funny memes about King of the Hill, bobby hill, repent sinners, if those kids could read they'd be very upset | Tiktoks aren't funny If those kids could read they'd be very upset | 5G towers dont cause Corona Karens

15 Memes In Which Bobby Hill Spits Truth & Unpopular Opinions

Funny memes about Animal Crossing: new horizons for nintendo switch, gaming memes, dank memes, relatable memes, selling turnips, tom nook | DaisyMae coming sell on Sunday Scerr after Stalk market burned last week AM READY GET HURT AG made with mematic | casts lure good position fish: slide left slide right cha cha real smooth

Fresh Animal Crossing Memes For The Dangerously Addicted

Funny meme about wanting to get good grades in school but getting distracted by everything | Me: ima get these grades & get my education *me watching the lights flicker in class

*Zoom Edition*

Funny stock photo memes from Instagram account 'Middle Class Fancy' | Nance buys Zesty Italian dressing instead regular Italian Nance know stuff gives tummy ache middleclassfancy | first guy ever have crispy boy probably like drew scanlon white guy blinking

'Middle Class Fancy' Nuggs For Those Who Think Mayonnaise Is Too Spicy

Funny random memes, joker memes, joaquin phoenix | My art art class boring class @mohamed.draws detailed drawing of eyes and a nose, same drawing but much simpler and cartoonish. Restaurant: Kids under 12 eat free Dad: He's 11 Actually ninetee- Dad: LAMC call of duty General Shepherd's Betrayal

Thirty Random Memes That Speak The Damn Truth