dank memes

Dank memes are basically just stale memes that have started to decompose, but users with a refined palate are able to appreciate those nuances of humor. Even if you have to brush a little dust of their shoulders, these memes still carry a glint of their former star power. Sometimes that's all you need. True meme connoisseurs can only appreciate the fine subtleties of a well-aged dank meme, so don't be discouraged, the deeper you go down the rabbit hole, the more everything will become clear..

US education system media 10% of all American adults believe that chocolate milk comes brown cows Tony Stark Iron Man The Avengers


funny meme about driving with wife who keeps gasping when you move at all almost causing crash jason momoa sneaking up on henry cavill

Every Time

Funny random memes, funny tweets, relatable tweets, relatable memes, the office, office memes | woman yelling at a cat Michael Tannenbaum @iamTannenbaum meme with cat but Office 10:05 PM 1/3/20 Twitter iPhone | are morning person or night person am barely even person.

42 Decent Memes In Case You Ever Need Them

Funny and dank lord of the rings memes | Dwarves Moria calmly mining their mithril Balrog: Bonjour bear | CAN SEE refuse Wear Mask. THERE ARE MARKINGS S SOME FORM SELFISH. Frodo reading the writing on the ring

Twenty-Six Dank & Dumb Lord Of The Rings Memes

Funny meme about not being able to remember your dreams when you wake up | My dream: What I remember from my dream: Ignorance, Envy and Jealousy by James Ward

It's Always The Best Dreams Too!

funny random memes and tweets | No one: People wearing glasses with mask: TH E M IS T STORY BY STEPHEN KING | jon drake @DrakeGatsby think about mafia out context seems pretty childish s secret Seriously DON'T TELL ANYBODY or be big trouble No girls allowed Usually cool clubhouse is involved Spaghetti dinner everyday 7:19 AM 7/30/20 Twitter iPhone

Thirty-Nine Memes & Tweets For Your Entertainment Pleasure

funny memes with no mention of coronavirus | gf looks at tellin her very interesting story involves another girl Athmeme chihuahua squinting | checking vet bill: Please don't be high Vet bill: Snoop Dogg

Covid-Free Memes From Simpler Times

Funny random memes, dank memes, funny tweets, twitter memes | quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog Sphinx black quartz, judge my vow Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs Boxers had zap gay jock love, quit women expanding galaxy brain | My plans 2020 American Pie

Thirty-Four Memes To Distract You From The Horrors Of Reality

funny meme about when you make an excuse and your friend comes up with a solution Rose from 90 day fiance

That's Not How This Works

Funny meme about being broke and having a nigerian uncle, scammer, funny meme | Me struggling financially My Nigerian uncle Prince Wajibi

He's So Thoughtful

Funny dank memes from /r/DankMemes | government can open schools kids are responsible enough avoid spreading covid each other kids they cough: Magikarp Pokemon | Putin am El Presidente Putin Putin Which means someday will be El Presidente.

The Dank Drop: 25 Of Our Favorite Dank Memes Of The Week (7-25 To 7-31)

Funny memes about Dungeons and Dragons | players' paranoia has gotten out control party casting detect evil and good, detect magic, detect thoughts, and dominate monster spoon Monty Python | get out 6 hour sessions, and suddenly people are calling real name and not character name. NOW 'SANAME HAVE NOT HEARD LONG, LONG TIME Obi Wan Kenobi Star Wars

DnD Memes For When You Need A Breather From The Campaign

Funny relatable memes, ozzy osborne, dank memes, personally attacked, dark humor, comedy | talking sink full dirty dishes every night going bed. Fuck lot | morning: aborteddreams So nightmare begins again. rat smoking cigarette

Thirty-Three Memes That Just Hit Right

Funny memes about being in grad school | And 's my presentation any questions @graduatestudenthoughts sweaty bear Rilakkuma | ask classmate if they started on their paper and they say no @graduatestudenthoughts @momsbehavingbadly just like Trash. Toy Story

Fifteen Grad School Memes For The Overworked, Exhausted Student

Funny Twitter meme about corporations requesting that patrons donate some money to different charities when they themselves could easier donate when they are worth billions of dollars | I f king hate grocery store check out screens asking me if I want to donate $20 to end child hunger or whatever. You're a $10 billion corporation. I'm using a coupon to get 50 cents off a bag of potatos. Why don't YOU donate $20 to end child hunger Hannibal Buress WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME? I'M RIGHT.

It's True

funny memes about thumbs up crying cat, cat memes, video games, gaming memes, mosquitoes, bats, 2020 memes | Random player on my team Fuck off, noob trash who just bought game and is trying my best: | People 2020 Bats are worst! They ruined our lives Bats who eat mosquitoes and just want be left alone:

'Thumbs Up Crying Cat' Memes Are About Hiding All The Pain