
dad behavior

Funny tweets about the most dad things people have done in the year 2019 | Ryan Nanni @celebrityhottub As do every Father's Day is time us share most Dad thing did this year Being father is not requirement participate will go first developed extensive opinions about dried fruit options. | Ray Schmitt @r_aymo Replying celebrityhottub Told my wife all water toys don't need be our front yard every day let kids neighborhood kill someone else's grass could barely believe said 1:26 PM 6/16/19 Twitter

Paternal Souls Share The Most 'Dad' Things They've Done This Year

Father's Day may have been this past Sunday, but dad behavior is always funny. Twitter user Ryan Nanni decided to pay respects to all dads by asking people to share their most dad-like moments of 2019. The responses did not disappoint. From obsessive compulsively crafty behaviors, to curmudgeonly resistance to socializing, all of these people deserve a fatherly pat on the back.
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