
cute birds

Your Daily Tweetment of Bird Watching Memes You Won't Egret

Your Daily Tweetment of Bird Watching Memes You Won't Egret

Grab some birdseed and some memes, it's birb-watching season!
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Bird Memes For Avian Enthusiasts

It's that time of year again, folks. The snow has finally melted, the sun is shining, and the migratory birds are back in town. I can finally enjoy the rare pleasure of birdwatching and lounging in my backyard, while ignoring the surrounding evidence of my neighbor's epic parties. Even with the cans and bottles that dapple our patio tables, my slice of urban paradise is primo ground for enjoying the birds that have been flitting around the neighborhood. Just sitting on my steps for a few minute…
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Bird Memes For Bird Brains

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Funny memes about birding

Birdwatching Memes For Serious Bird Nerds

It's an exciting and heartbreaking time to be a bird nerd . A birdwatcher, or a birder, if you will. Avian critters are migrating, which means we get to see rare breeds on their journeys to a warmer climate. But there have been some obstacles in their way, especially in urban areas such as New York City . You see, birds and skyscrapers don't get along. They fly into the crystal-clear glass windows of luxury condos and office buildings, and often die from the impact. Cheerful, huh? That's on top…
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