customer support

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Hotel guest snaps at receptionist after she messes up his room assignment 3 times in a row: 'The third room wasn’t even cleaned yet—there were towels on the floor and an unmade bed'

Customer Service Employee Feigns ‘Amnesia’ Over Customer’s Name After Intense Encounter Takes Place

Customer Service Employee Feigns ‘Amnesia’ Over Customer’s Name After Intense Encounter Takes Place

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30 Hospitality Memes For Hardened Hotel Workers

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20+ Hospitality Memes For Hardened Hotel Workers

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20+ Hilarious Hospitality Memes For Hotel Workers Counting Down The Days Until Summer Ends

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Funny Memes About Customers for Weary Customer Service Representatives

A compilation of funny memes about hospitality and hotels

Hospitality Memes For All the Hardened Hotel Workers

“I’m in touch with somebody else that works here, I don’t need your help” “OK” | He was just too good for me to talk to him. He thought he was better than me. So I decided not to ever look at him or deal with him again.

'I’m in touch with somebody else': Guy too good for event worker's credential help, gets to wait for ages instead

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Malicious Compliance: Receptionist Refuses to Help Patient in Person, So They Opt to Phone Her Instead

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Poetic Customer Service Representative Captures The Heart Of Twitter

A gallery of funny and relatable memes about working in the customer service world, bad customers, working retail, Karens, seeing the manager

Customer Service Memes For Anyone in the Hellish Struggle

Customer support troll account who responds to various complaints made by customers

'The Amazing Troll-Man' Hilariously Impersonates Customer Service Representatives

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17 Customer Service Employees Reveal What Really Grinds Their Gears

Caption reads, "When the customer you're dealing with asks to speak to the manager and the manager says the same thing you did" above a pic of an old lady making a funny face at another old lady

Suck Ittttt

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Honest Customer Support

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Customer Support at its Finest

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