
customer service


Tweet that reads, "Was speaking to a nurse on placement and she's like, 'do you ever feel like you use all your niceness at work and then when you get home you're not nice to anyone in the house' and I couldn't relate any more if I tried"
Via anlyin

It's True

Text that reads, "How likely are you to recommend Windows 10 to a friend or colleague?" above a review of the product where someone says that they do not often sit around talking about operating systems to friends
Via RonSwansonsGirl

Fair Point

Tweet that reads, "Why test on animals when there are people who are rude to waiters"
Via johnsaysthings
memes about working in customer service

17 Customer Service Memes That'll Make You Hate Humanity

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Funny memes for people who work retail

19 Funny Memes That'll Trigger Anyone Who's Worked Retail

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funny memes

23 Miscellaneous Memes To Send You Into Silly Spirits

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The Choice Is Pretty Clear

Meme that involves three doors representing three choices: 1.) "Restart life; 2.) $5 billion; or 3.) Tell customers they're idiots without getting in trouble" - guy kicks down the third door
Via DMCorperate
customer support customer service whisper confessions whisper waiter food service service industry - 5716485

17 Customer Service Employees Reveal What Really Grinds Their Gears

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customer service relatable memes sales customer service memes food service bartender - 6081797

17 Funny And Frustrating Memes For Anyone Who Has Suffered Through A Customer Service Job

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You'll Figure It Out!

Text message from a manager saying that the restaurant is short-staffed; employee replies that it's crazy and says good luck
Via AnilSeman

Suck Ittttt

Caption reads, "When the customer you're dealing with asks to speak to the manager and the manager says the same thing you did" above a pic of an old lady making a funny face at another old lady
Via Cameraprincess

Wow, I Haven't Heard That One 500 Times Today

Random Fish Guy from Spongebob looking annoyed with the caption, "Me to customer: Can I get you anything else? Customer: A million dollars; Me: ..."
Via simros31415

"If My Card Doesn't Swipe Does That Mean It's Free??"

Pic of a creepy-looking statue in a restaurant with a big smile under the caption, "When the customer's joke isn't funny but you got bills to pay"
Via BotchedToe

Dammit Grant

Pic of a bunch of fries for sale at a grocery store with a sign above that reads, "Grant ordered too many fries sale"
Via CanWeStopTalkingNow

It's True

Tweet that reads, "Little secret about me: my answer to the question 'would you like a receipt' is based on absolutely nothing and changes all the time"
Via CanWeStopTalkingNow


Pic of someone holding a 'Walmart associate choir' with a tweet that reads, "Omg this explains why there is only three lanes open because they're in the back working on their next album"
Via Thesavagevixen