
customer service memes

customer service memes

17 Aggravating Memes For The Disgruntled Customer Service Worker

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I'm An Expert

Funny meme about wanting to work in customer service because you are good at apologizing for things that aren't your fault.
Via Snuffy223
customer service relatable memes sales customer service memes food service bartender - 6081797

17 Funny And Frustrating Memes For Anyone Who Has Suffered Through A Customer Service Job

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Suck Ittttt

Caption reads, "When the customer you're dealing with asks to speak to the manager and the manager says the same thing you did" above a pic of an old lady making a funny face at another old lady
Via Cameraprincess

Wow, I Haven't Heard That One 500 Times Today

Random Fish Guy from Spongebob looking annoyed with the caption, "Me to customer: Can I get you anything else? Customer: A million dollars; Me: ..."
Via simros31415