
cringey karen posts

Cringey entitled karen moments, karen memes, racism, entitlement, speak to the manager | Kelsey Follow This is appropriation, if white family dressed up as black characters they would get hate, racism works both ways O Follow Izanagi phnnyShady Bitch Simpsons are yellow. | @missiwimberly am So thankful businesses are opening back up. But this is had look at while got pedicure today. Apparently my feet are contagious s almost more depressing be an environment where people act afraid be touched

Criminally Cringey Karen Memes And Outbursts

Is it just us or are the 2020 s the decade of the Karen? It seems that this cursed year has somehow emboldened entitled women despite all the 'Karen' backlash that we're not ashamed to admit we've enjoyed. Between the coronavirus pandemic and recent protests against police brutality , every Karen has something to say. And it's usually a massively combination of offensive , entitled, and ignorant garbage. This mix of Karen content covers all of those bases - with a few memes thrown in for a ligh…
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