
Funny tweet about friends joining a polyamorous relationship without inviting friend, wtf, cringe, twitter, tweets

Unsuspecting Woman Feels Left Out of Friend Group, Finds Out They're All In a Polyamorous Relationship

A compilation of irritating pictures with something off about them.

Images That Could Enrage Or Slightly Annoy You

Unhinged tweets, cringey tweets, wtf

Unhinged Tweets From Troubled Minds

Article about insensitive nurse who posts attention-seeking video following passing of her patient

Insensitive Nurse Posts Attention-Seeking Video Grieving Patient

Article about a woman who left out a hilarious note for her neighbor who was going through her packages.

Nosy Neighbor Gets Caught On Camera Snooping Through Woman's Packages

Funny responses and tweets to nutter butter horny tweet about nutting, brands on twitter

Nutter Butter 'Apologizes' For Hornyposting, Twitter is Still Having a Field Day

cringe, embarrassing, cringetopia, cringe pics, wtf, stupid people, facepalm, memes, twitter, funny

Painful Moments of Cringe That Can't Be Forgiven

Funny social media posts and comments written by old people | Katie Sep. 7 at 7:55 .m 8 love my neighbour is so committed his lawn pouring rain does not stop him cutting his grass at 7:45 am on Saturday. 4 4 Comments Like Comment Send Jane 'S LITTLE DUMB HOPE HE DOESNT US AN ELECTRIC MOWER

Funny Times Senior Citizens Made the Internet a Better Place

asshole design, wtf, infuriating, reddit, clickbait, ads, capitalism, memes, funny, design fail, cringe, crappy design, facepalm, funny pics, microsoft, smart phone, corporate

Glaring Reasons Why Jerks Shouldn't Be Allowed to Design Things

After Constantly Getting Brutally Dragged on TikTok, Millennial Tries to Unite Her Generation with Gen-Z as “Generation F**cked”

After Constantly Getting Brutally Dragged on TikTok, Millennial Tries to Unite Her Generation with Gen-Z as “Generation F**cked”

beam me up softboi, cringe, women, men, tinder, dating, pick up line, flirting, dms, facepalm, fail, hinge, bumble, nice guys, dirtbag, down bad

Desperate Dirtbags & Softbois Who Probably Never Get Laid

List of New Morbius Memes About Failed Re-Release of Marvel Bomb

'Morbius' Memes Can't Save Doomed Movie From Failing a Second Time

Viral Ramen Grilled Cheese is Causing Foodie Controversy on TikTok and Reactions are a Mixed Cringe

Viral Ramen Grilled Cheese is Causing Foodie Controversy on TikTok and Reactions are a Mixed Cringe

Cringey people who are bragging, braggarts, social media

Cringey Braggarts Who Need To Be Taken Down a Notch

softboi, beam me up softboi, tinder, dating, relationships, nice guys, cringe, dms, text messages, screenshots, wtf, women, men, incels, pick up lines, relationships

Cringey Messages & Pathetic Pick Up Lines From Desperate Softbois

karen, entitled, karens, wtf, stupid people, cringe, roast, memes, funny, schadenfreude, next door, facebook, twitter

Unhinged Karens & Their Egregious Displays of Entitlement