

furniture, family drama, sisters, siblings, wife, reddit story, husband, family, bedroom, sibling, sister, reddit thread, Reddit, married, couple, apartment

28-year-old refuses to let newlywed sister and her husband stay at her apartment for 3 weeks and rearrange her furniture: 'She wants me to adjust my lifestyle for them as a couple'

Who do they think they are?
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wedding, money, twitter, twitter thread, couple, honeymoon, entitled people, wedding guests, gifts

Entitled couple spend $60000 on wedding, complain about having to cancel honeymoon because their guests only gifted them $3000: 'We are freaking out and really devastated'

Simply bad financial planning
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apartment, roommates, advertisement, london, expensive, room, twitter, twitter thread, controversy

Entitled couple search for roommate, request that once a week they stay the night elsewhere for £1200 a month: 'Please rent our spare room, but don't actually live there'

Such a great deal
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relationships, engagement, reddit, twitter, twitter thread, argument, jewelery, cheap, couple, fiance, cheapskate, aita, engagement ring, temu

Cheapskate man upsets fiancée by buying $38 Temu engagement ring despite earning $200k a year: 'I feel like he could've shelled out some money'

She's worth more than that
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 marriage marriage-drama marriage advice healthy marriage couples couple relationships relationship healthy relationship relationship advice long term relationship money shared finances joint account family family drama

'This isn't an emergency or a death, it's a vacation': Shady husband wants to pay for brother's overseas wedding trip using joint bank account, calls wife 'insensitive' for refusing

A joint account is all about trust
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hate, nephews, stepchildren, family drama, marriage, stepkids, teenager, kids, teenagers, couples, family, step dad, Reddit, nephew, son, couple, conflict

Couple marries despite their 12-year-old sons hating each other since kindergarten, can't believe it's not resolved when they're 17: 'It was humiliating to realize other people are so aware of the bad blood'

Drake and Josh, but make it sad.
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entitlement satisfying drama kids witty comebacks grandma parenting boomers Grandpa family grandparents daughter roasted funny parents children entitled people couple - 35855109

Grandparents roasted by grandkid after playing favoritism, upset parents won't punish her behavior: 'My parents looked at me expectantly, but I didn’t do anything'

parenting 101
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work, work culture, working, job, jobs, job application, job hunt, real job, money, saving money, argument, couples, couple, relationship drama, relationship advice, long term relationship, reddit, aita

'He couldn't stand the idea of working for someone else': Breadwinner girlfriend splits expenses 70/30 with jazz musician boyfriend, argues with him about getting a 'real job'

It's all fun and games til the artist won't get a job
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family drama, marriage, eloped, brother, sisters, wife, eloping, married life, elope, husband, las vegas, married, Parenting Fail, parents, couple, Parenting FAILS

'They refuse to acknowledge the marriage': Parents shun son's wife because they eloped in Vegas, gets banned from their grandkid's birthday party until they accept her

Is eloping the end of the world?
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boyfriends, boyfriends, funny boyfriend, relationships, relationship memes, relationship advice, healthy relationship, couples, couple, cute couples, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, am i the asshole, aita

Controlling boyfriend withholds salt from girlfriend’s cooking: ‘He needs to take several seats’

No salt for you!
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relationship, popular, school, nerds, nerdy, relationship drama, reddit story, relationships, couples, high school, popularity, education, reddit thread, college, couple

Boyfriend who peaked in high school gets offended that nerdy girlfriend didn't know who he was in high school: 'Nobody had time to think about popular kids'

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van van-life life living millennials elder-millennials millennial interesting generations suburban dream benefits couple money marrieg married reddit

'[Traveling] is not at all on her bingo card': Elder Millennial couple feud over how to spend $100k in annual benefits, debating van life over a white picket fence

If you had $100k in passive income, how would you use it?
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ask reddit, salary, twitter, askreddit, twitter reactions, reddit story, rent, financial, couples, tweets, renting, tweet, Reddit, money, twitter discourse, couple

'He should pay it all': Renters debate how couple making $180K and $40K respectively should split their rent

Imagine paying $1500 a month with a 40K salary...
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boyfriend askreddit relationships girlfriend exes breakup stories Reddit situationship couple - 22599429

25+ Crazy Stories That Drove People to Break Up with Their Significant Other

Maybe getting ghosted isn't so bad after all...
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marriage, couple, love, hug, hugging, love, cringey, cringe, love surge, tiktok

Cringey TikTok Couple Get Clowned for Sharing Their "Love Surge"

So long as they're happy, I guess
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twitter story, twitter, Twitter Thread, twitter reactions, mean, mean girls, couples, tweets, the big bang theory, tweet, mean tweets, twitter discourse, couple, Mean People

Woman Makes Fun of Couple For Looking Nerdy, Twitter Users Come to Their Defense

Every day in NYC, I am afraid that someone with 17K Twitter followers will take a picture of me on the subway, say I look lame, and get 100K likes. This is not an unfounded fear in the slightest because it literally happens all the time. Adult bullies who need to put others down to feel superior will record strangers minding their own business in public and ridicule them so that they can get a couple of measly likes on an app run by a tyrant. What a world we're living in on the place formerly k…
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