

Horse on The Run

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A Master of Stealth

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Worst Bathroom Ever

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It's a Cop Magnet

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A Hell of a Roll

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Via Mandrew Jackson

Making a Bad Day Worse

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Ducks Know the Score

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Via Google

It's an Important Skill

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Watch Out For That Speed Bump

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Orchestra Cops

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Via Vector Belly

Can't Catch Me Off Road, Copper

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Via Bing

Some Cops Understand What It's Like to Be Blackout Drunk

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Via Elite Daily

I Hope There's No Cops Nearby

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But Be Careful, They May Be Hidden in Groups of Unarmed Peacefully Assembled People Exercising Their Right for Justice

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Via Cartoon Politics
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Magician Pranks a Cop by Trying to Sell Weed to Him

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We're Here for Your Hacky Sacks

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