

kids, child, children, coffee, starbucks, influencer, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, controversy, nails

'Give these kids a proper childhood': Child influencer drinks coffee and wears acrylic nails, horrifies Twitter

This feels wrong
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daycare, parenting, mom, daughter, babysitting, babysitter, kids, childcare, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, debate, controversy

'A part time orphanage is crazy': Mom drops 6-year-old daughter at 24 hour daycare, sparks debate about childcare

It could be useful for some
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delivery, dog, dogs, controversy, twitter, twitter thread, amazon, customers, customer service, amazon, special delivery

'Ain't no way I'm making that delivery': Delivery person calls out customer for letting neighbor's dog roam in yard

'If you're scared of dogs, get a different job'
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harry styles, tipping, tips, controversy, tiktok, comments, restaurant, food service, takeout, famous people, celebrity

'The math ain't mathing': Fan calls out Harry Styles for leaving $5 tip on $70 takeout order

Tipping discourse: celebrity edition
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home, house, isolation, going out, staying in, twitter, debate, controversy, wfh, people

'Insane person behavior': People debate the normality of not leaving the house for one day

Keyboard warriors were not happy
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relationships, marriage, controversy, end of the year, wife, husband, relationships, hr, job, debate, twitter, twitter thread

'The kind of positive cringe that leads to the most successful relationships': Dorky couple splits opinion with HR style annual review

Maybe it could have been an email
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family, parenting, baby, birth, memories, recording, phone, filming, tiktok, twitter, video, debate, controversy, mom, technology, dystopian

'Someone is recording them recording': Family Gets Called Out For Filming New Mom and Baby on Phones, Sparks Debate About Recording Special Moments

They're capturing memories
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relationships, friendships, men, women, boyfriend, girlfriend, birthday, birthday party, party, invitation, twitter, twitter thread, debate, controversy, tiktok

"I don't have the heart to tell him": Woman Breaks Down When Nobody Can Come to Boyfriend's 30th Birthday, Sparks Debate About Male Friendships

Be there for your friends
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internet, roundup, internet roundup, new meme, memes, christmas, tiktok, twitter, parenting, dinks, dual income no kids, debate, controversy, jollyposting, festive, social media, gaming, video games, grand theft auto, gta 6, trailer, leak, reaction, internet news, news,

Weekly Internet Roundup: Jollyposting, the GTA 6 Trailer, and DINKs Gone Wild

Plus, the rise of the crawling cult.
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toothbrush, brushing, clean, dirty, hygiene, bad hygiene, debate, controversy, twitter, twitter thread, bathroom, gross, disgusting

Fastidious Brusher Shames People Who Keep Their Toothbrush in the Bathroom, Start Debate on Cleanliness

It's too much
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takeout, food, delivery, twitter, tiktok, doordash, ubereats, ghost kitchens, delivery, special delivery, controversy

Bewildered Delivery App Users React to Shady Practice of 'Ghost Kitchens'

Don't get caught out
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weekly internet roundup, internet, roundup, social media, hong kong, nfts, eyes, injury, bored ape, gta 6, shrek 5, announcement, death, omegle, tattoo, kevin, dumb, tiktok, twitter, funny, paint grandpa

Weekly Internet Roundup: Omegle Ends, Face Tattoos, and Bored Ape Eye Damage

Also, we say goodbye to Paint Grandpa.
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twitter, twitter discourse, twitter thread, parenting, parenting twitter, dads, moms, twitter reactions, twitter story, parenting tweets, bad parenting, controversy, hot take

Parents on Twitter Share their Hottest Takes on Raising Kids

I'm allowed to take 50% of their Halloween candy
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childfree, parenting, mom, reddit, aita, am i the asshole, kids, babies, toddler, babysitting, village, opinions, controversy

Childfree Woman Slams Mom Friend for Expecting 'The Village' to Provide Free Babysitting

There's levels to this
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golf, golf hate, twitter thread, twitter reactions, beef, twitter feud, pig, feral hog, anti golf, controversy, trending, trending tweets

Pigs Destroy a Golf Course in Arizona and the Internet Sides With the Pigs

Pigs: 1 Golfers: 0
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spices, seasoning, salt, pepper, flavor, food, debate, twitter, twitter thread, cooking, twitter, funny twitter

Foodie Jokester Tries to Slate Salt and Pepper, Reignites the Great Food Seasoning Debate

They're essentials
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