

Attack of the Killer Chickens

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Via comicsaboutgames

Comics Are Real

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Created by Shashsqatch

At Least Ellie Looks Adorable

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Via lndt

He's Better Than DJ K.K.

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Via leezardbutts

Pokémon in the Tall Grass

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Via Dorkly

The Ouya Has Failed

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Via Castle Vidcons

I Need Him to Be My FRIEND!

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Via loldwell

Why Nintendo Will Never Make a Pokémon MMO

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Via Dorkly

Scyther's Dream Comes True

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Via claypita

It's Crazy What You'll Find in Trees in Animal Crossing

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Animal Double Crossing

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Via Dorkly

Battle of the Stealth Horses

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Via Dorkly

You People Disgust Me! Poor Kid!

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Created by AlexYurian ( Via KakuJomics )

One of the Problems With Pokémon-Amie

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Created by PhilLovesPorygonZ

His Pockets Are Ready

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Created by 98Zelda ( Via 98zelda )

Microsoft is Really Getting Worked Over

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