

Student Life Hack?

Tweet that reads, "My essay is 642 words and I need 700;" someone replies with, "Change the word color to white and jwjbrjkreklshbfs away at your keyboard"
Via dgamerboi
Funny random memes

25 Random Memes That'll Tickle Your Funny Bone

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Huh, Yeah They Do

Caption that reads, "Sorority girls pose exactly like meerkats in pictures" above a bunch of comparison pics of meerkats and sorority girls
Via HarleyTheGreat

Def Gonna Try This Out

Tweet that reads, "Met a bunch of guys from Harvard yesterday and I kept pretending like I never heard of that school just to piss them of them legit turned red when said, 'Harvard? Is that like a local community college?'"
Via Nobodylook

Brandon Better Have Gotten An A

Caption that reads, "Probably the best essay introduction I've read in a while" above a ridiculous intro to an essay about Rosa Parks written by a high school student
Via JustAWeirdLoser

Even Mannequins Wanna Be The Cool Professor

Funny meme about mannequin, cool professor.
Via stability
transforming college dorm rooms parodies

'Before And After Dorm Pics' Are Roasting Absurd College Dorm Room Transformations

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Just. Stop.

Caption that reads, "When that one person everyone hates in class starts talking" above a pic of a bunch of Spongebob characters looking annoyed
Via HammerSlammer
funny back to school memes

19 Back-To-School Memes That'll Trigger The Crap Out Of Any Student

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Time To Fight To The Death, Kids

Picture of two babies in a playpen with a sword in the middle, under the caption, "When you can only pay for one college tuition"
Via PeasLord
random memes

25 Random Memes & Posts For Your Time-Wasting Pleasure

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Me Sitting In Class Every Day

"Hey quick question. What the fuck is going on"
Via Darkbutterflies
Funny twitter meme, ladies imagine, mallori taylor,

Dumb Sorority Girl's Tweet Spawns Hilarious 'Ladies, Imagine' Meme

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Funny comics about being an adult, comics about adultin, comics about adulthood.

16 Comics About Adulting That Are So Real It's Scary

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finals memes, exams, school

24 Finals Memes To Give Your Tired Brain A Well-Deserved Break

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Hang In There Buds!

university relatable memes college students college student problems college memes college finals finals week final exams - 9164642304