

A compilation of funny memes about programming, programmers, computer science and engineering

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (October 30, 2022)

This year for Halloween, there are so many ways to dress up as programming concepts. Of course, you could take the easy way out and just dress like a programmer. Get some sweatpants on, put some black makeup under your eyes to make you look even more tired, and you're good to go. You could also go as a 404 error . Wear a white T-Shirt and write “Error 404 Costume Not Found” on it. You could even go as some of the most famous programmers in history. A Steve Jobs costume is classic and perfect fo…
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Funny programming memes

Programmer Memes That Might Make You Wonder "What's Stopping You From Coding Like This?"

There's been an epidemic sweeping the programming memes community. One meme has positively overtaken r/ProgrammerHumor to the point that it's nearly unuseable. I'm of course talking about, “what's stopping you from coding like this?”
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A compilation of funny memes about programming and computer science

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (October 23, 2022)

It's IT meme time! I know what you're wondering: Do you mean IT, the classic Stephen King novel and 2017/2019 films about clowning gone wrong? Absolutely not, you stupid baby! It's IT time as in, the actually important IT, which stands for Information Technology . Now I will be honest with y'all. I am not a diva of the IT or computer science or programming persuasion. I am merely a humble former English major hoping that the STEM kids in the room accept these memes into their hearts. Even if I…
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A compilation of programming memes for programmers and computer scientists

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (October 16, 2022)

it’s that time of the week again. Time to dive in to some hilarious memes about programming and computer science. If you’re here I’m guessing you probably spent the majority of your day wasting away trying to code something with no real concept of whether it will go well or not. Thank God. We live in a world where our salaries can be salaried and not just based on whether each line of code succeeds or not.
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A list of memes about programming and coding.

Programming Memes For Python And Java Fiends

Having a knack for computers is one of the most valuable skills someone can possess. Many people want to be programmers , but only a tiny elite group can actually pull it off successfully. A lot of wannabees think that since they changed their Tumblr theme with HTML in 2012 they can do this extremely difficult job. Coding takes hundreds of hours of your life but when a project is finally complete, it's the greatest feeling in the world. Programmers and coders are also well known for being able…
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A compilation of funny memes about programming for programmers

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (October 2, 2022)

Having a knack for computers is one of the most valuable skills someone can possess. Many people want to be programmers , but only a tiny elite group can actually pull it off successfully. A lot of wannabees think that since they changed their Tumblr theme with HTML in 2012 they can do this extremely difficult job. Coding takes hundreds of hours of your life but when a project is finally complete, it's the greatest feeling in the world. Programmers and coders are also well known for being able…
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A compilation of memes about programming, computer science, and coding

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (September 25, 2022)

One of the hardest things about being a programmer is that you're not subject to the typical 9-5 workday. For many workers, if you can't get it done by Friday, you can merely shrug and get back to it on Monday morning. When you're a programmer, you have to work until the code is done and it works, and that's a lot easier said than done. Nobody knows why there are always so many problems with code when you first finish it. At this point, it's a medical mystery. But there is always something you…
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A compilation of funny programming and computer science memes

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (September 18th, 2022)

So many people think that if you're a programmer , you must have a purely analytical brain with no room for creativity. That is patently untrue because everyone who has programmed anything knows that there's one arena in the code that allows you to stretch your creative muscles fully. I'm talking, of course, about the comments. Comments allow you to fully justify and make up for whatever monstrosity you've coded thus far. They add a little brightness to your day when you return and find a frien…
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A compilation of the funniest programming, programmer, and computer science memes of the week

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (September 4th, 2022)

Nobody understands the sentiment “work smarter, not harder” better than programmers. Bill Gates said it himself
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math, science, coding, math memes, arithmetic, funny memes, nerdy memes, science memes, educational memes, math jokes, algebra, calculus, dank memes, relatable memes, funny, lol, memes, arithmetic, physics, history memes, schrodingers cat

Math & Science Memes Full of Arithmetical Humor

There are three types of math geeks: the ones who are good at math, the vengeful ones who do math to epically own others, and the ones who study equations just so they can get the jokes in dank math memes. If we were to visualize these math geek subcategories using a three-set Venn-diagram, these dank math and science memes would lie right in the center. Before you go correcting my lazy logic, just know that I failed pre-calculus in high school. Anyway. Enjoy the memes, nerd.
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computer science memes, funny memes, programming memes, developers, coding memes, coder, coding, nerdy memes, memes, java memes

Computer Science Memes Full of Coding Comedy

I have to come clean right now and admit that I don't know a damn thing about computer science. But just because my tiny brain can't comprehend programming language doesn't mean all the nerdy coders out there should be deprived of dank memes. So instead of making a pathetic attempt at pretending I know what I'm talking about, I'm going to introduce this collection of funny computer science memes by sharing a few programming jokes that I stole from the internet. "Knock knock." "Who's there?" (On…
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romance, relationships, app, apps, coding, break up, instagram, tiktok, crazy, dm

Dude Creates Foolproof App To Figure Out When Couples Split Up

Tech startups are taking notes
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job, jobs, work, trick, code, IT, technology, tech support, story, reddit, coding

Redditor Gets Hailed As A Hero After Fully Automating Job

Wait until you realize how much they get paid.
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Funny tech memes, developers, coding, computers, the internet.

22 Memes For The Technologically Inclined

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hackers, cringe, anonymous, funny comments, funny texts, programmers, coding, facepalm, fail, memes, funny memes, internet, discord, reddit | Good see Monstercat Official. Today at 10:30 PM Monstercat Official Today at 10:30 PM hi im ethical hacker can have permission hack this server heloooo | 12 year olds after using hacker simulator they found on google search:

33 Wannabe Hackers Who Aren't Fooling Anyone

People who identify an IP address and then say 'I'm in'
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Funny memes for developers, programmers, programming memes, tech memes, internet memes, coding memes, coders

Programming Memes For Frustrated Coders

We see you.
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