

bedbugs, bedbug, infestation, pest, memes, funny, funny memes, gross, relatable memes, bedbug memes

18 Itchy Bedbug Memes About the Dreaded Pest

Don't let 'em bite
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roundup, internet news, news, internet, social media, met gala, cockroach, met, chinese food, british, american, gross food, debate, french, english, language, linguistics, joe biden, president, dark brandon, meme

Weekly Internet Roundup: Simple English, the Met Gala Cockroach, and Chinese Food Culture Wars

Plus, Joe Biden confirms Dark Brandon.
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Woman Wakes Up to a Cockroach Crawling Inside of Her Ear, has to Get it Surgically Removed, Goes Viral

Woman Wakes Up to a Cockroach Crawling Inside of Her Ear, has to Get it Surgically Removed, Goes Viral

Apparently roaches can't walk backwards, so it probably would've just kept crawling until it hit her brain…
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Be Like Bees

Funny meme about how humans are scared of a single bug like a cockroach, but bees will band together against someone hundreds of times their size, to valhalla Patrick in a sweater
Via u/Aditya_Noob_Arya
Funny and cringey clip from the movie 'Cats'

Scene In 'Cats' Involves Cringey Dancing Cockroaches

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Working Hard or Hardly Working?

funny memes cockroach desk at work
Via WIM96

Cockroach is a Fan of Fun

Via Laugh Daily Net

Cockroach Defies Physics

cockroach gifs mindwarp physics science wtf - 6307417344

Her Face is Priceless

cockroach face gifs girl gross lol sports tennis - 5706537472

A Highbrow Literary Meme, to be read while wearing a monocle.

cockroach Rage Comics - 4352693504