

Funny memes about pockets

Fourteen Oddly Specific Memes About Pockets

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Funny memes and tweets about clothing store Forever 21 filing for bankruptcy

Forever 21 Files For Bankruptcy (15 Reaction Memes)

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It's BS

Funny Hot Pockets meme about how women's jeans often have no pockets
Via jpro21
hipser millennials

28 Cringey Times Hipsters Reached Peak Millennial

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I Have The Body Of A Potato

Caption that reads, "When you plan an outfit in your head but it looks mad stupid once you try it on and now you don't know what to wear" above a pic of Spongebob in his underwear looking angry
Via Partyin

Could Have Fooled Me

Funny meme of guy wearing sweatshirt that says he is not bernie sanders or larry david.
Via distinguishedbaloney
crazy fashion memes

15 Fancy Fashion Memes For The Posh Individual

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Kinda Weird Now That You Mention It

Tumblr post that reads, "Me explaining underwear to aliens: we have smaller, secret pants that we wear under our normal pants"
Via VulgarPancakes
Funny shopping fails.

19 Online Shopping Fails That Were Probably Worth It For The Laughs

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Every Damn Night

Funny meme about clothes that look like a ghost.
Via satanthedevil

Hot Tip

Funny meme and roasting of someone who shoplifted.
Via god
lularoe leggings memes | pic of lularoe leggings with a print that looks like a male member | Shoe - 3 l 6T% 17:13 Well played, Lularoe. Well played.

20 LulaRoe Legging Fails That Are Almost Too Bad To Believe

Apparel brand LulaRoe is in quite a bit of hot water following allegations that the company is a pyramid scheme. They're currently embroiled in a 1 billion dollar lawsuit that is definitely not the first action to be taken against the legging giants. While we hope the exploitative business gets what it deserves, we're relishing the insane legging fails that the brand has blessed the internet with. Their "unicorn" leggings, rife with pattern placement fails, are proof that the company is lacking…
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Collection of random and funny memes about work, kardashians, scott disick, lady gaga, game of therones, fashion, dating, relationships, women, animals, food, cats.

Rev Up Your Day With 35 Amusing Memes

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Stick It In

Funny meme of a truck trying to fit under a bridge, to describe how it feels when you are in denial that your shorts from last summer don't fit.
Via wilfordbrimly
Funny collection of web comics from C. Cassandra that are relatable where being a woman is concerned, makeup, fashion, dating, being awkward.

15 Funny and Relatable Web Comics From C. Cassandra

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dancing Hillary Clinton clothes Video politics - 287239

Obviously a New York City Flash Mob of Dancing Pantsuits is For Hillary Clinton

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