
choosing beggars

choosing beggars, choosing beggar, entitled people, entitled, cringe, cringey, cringeworthy, social media

Entitled Choosing Beggars That Want to Have Their Cake and Eat It

They think they deserve it
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‘Get bent lady’: Choosing beggar offers $3.09/hour for babysitters to watch her toddler, gets zilch in return

Time to go ask Granny for a favor
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choosing beggar, choosing beggars, entitled, entitled people, social media, cringe, cringey, cringeworthy, mildly infuriating, facebook, parenting, bargaining

Insufferable Choosing Beggars Who Want Too Much of a Good Thing

Real charity cases
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Comically Greedy People Who Think Beggars Can Be Choosers

These people need to grow up
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entitled, jerk, rude, mean, karen, customer service, asshole tax, funny tweets, reddit, work, jobs, anti work, choosing beggars

Satisfying Times Total Jerks Were Taxed for Their Rudeness

There's no shortage of people who strut around like the whole universe revolves around them, and those people are mad annoying (especially if you work in the service industry). But it can be pretty hilarious when someone is entitled to their own detriment, or when choosing beggars get taxed extra for their rudeness. For example, when I used to bartend back in the day, I enjoyed being generous to customers for no reason. It felt good to improve some random stranger's day with a free drink or sma…
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choosing beggars, choosy beggars, reddit, entitled, karen, facebook marketplace, grifters, scam, facepalm, stupid people

Shamelessly Entitled People Who Think Beggars Can Be Choosers

They say beggars can't be choosers, but there are plenty of shamelessly entitled people out there who have just enough audacity to prove the proverb wrong. The sort of people who get mad when free stuff doesn't meet their unreasonable expectations. Or job listings that seek PhD grads to babysit toddlers for fifty cents an hour. The only response these choosy beggars deserve is shame and ridicule, and we've selected a handful of especially egregious examples of entitlement from r/choosybeggars f…
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