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'Take two bites. Not just food': 15+ Default rules to improve your life, at least marginally

Never cook bacon naked
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Vans Employees Guess What You Look Like Based on Your Choice of Shoe (July 20, 2022)

Why am I the last one?
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Funny 'Bandersnatch' memes entitled, "Sorry Mate, Wrong Path"

'Bandersnatch' Memes That Made Us Rethink Our Choices

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The Choice Is Pretty Clear

Meme that involves three doors representing three choices: 1.) "Restart life; 2.) $5 billion; or 3.) Tell customers they're idiots without getting in trouble" - guy kicks down the third door
Via DMCorperate
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'Illusion Of Free Choice' Memes Will Make You Rethink Your Own Life Choices

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The Struggle Is Real

Photo of a McDonald's sign shadow over a Planet Fitness
Via katjaKittenCreator

Crappy Choices

phones choices politics web comics - 8976977408
Created by BarteNERDS ( Via )

Homer Always Sticks to His Guns

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An in Depth Look at Player Choices in Video Games

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Just Turn Around

screwed bad idea choices funny - 8455621120

Is That a Couch in the Bathroom?

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The Feel of Choice

choices - 8294020608
Via Mystery Dungeon

The Hard Choices Life Makes Us Make

dogs choices family web comics - 8289145344
Via Tubey Toons

It's a Trap!

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Via Silenced Masses

Making Choices Is the Worst

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Tiny Victories

kids parenting choices web comics - 7943285504
Via Lunar Baboon
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