

Making The First Move

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Via Bing

What Most Ghosts Are Like

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Via Owl Turd

Opening Chips Rage

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Created by Derp1231234

Mysterious Crunchy Things

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Created by Kittehlolzrfun

How to Open Chips

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Search and Rescue

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Created by death_by_rage

At First I Didn't Know What to Expect But Now It Makes All the Sense

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Via Lunar Baboon

The Last Man on Earth

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Via Poorly Drawn Lines

Why I Don't Buy Chips

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Created by KTWAnimations

Baby's First Time With Vinegar Chips

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The Four Elements

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A Lifetime Supply of Chips

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Via Pie Comic

Do I Have to Eat All Those Chips?

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Via Owl Turd

The Things You'll Do For Your Family

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Via Reddit

For the Love of Chips...

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