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'My wedding isn't a showcase for your new family': Entitled parents try to guilt-trip their friend into letting a newborn attend their childfree wedding, insisting they accommodate childcare against their will

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Husband pressures wife into having baby, freaks out when she admits she is struggling with their 7-month-old: 'I'm constantly exhausted'

tiktok, kids, children, childfree, adulting, adult, parenting, 30s, aging

Childless man in his 30s laments how friends becoming parents changes relationships: 'People don't care about your life anymore'

family, thanksgiving, aita, reddit, reddit thread, childfree, kids, children, brother, girlfriend

Man lets girlfriend berate 31-year-old sister-in-law for not having kids, protests when brother disinvites her from Thanksgiving: 'You two must be really good at being selfish"

nephews, family drama, child, kids, childfree, siblings, niece, reddit story, aunt, little kids, family, grandparents, sibling, reddit thread, Reddit, nephew, parents, children

Aunt bans children from family gatherings at her home, despite her 4 and 6-year-old nephews being the only kids in the family: 'If this becomes the norm, what happens for holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas?'

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14-Year-Old Daughter Destroys Her Future Step-Mom's Wedding Dress After a Dress Code Squabble, Dad Says ‘The Wedding is Off’ When His Bride Uninvites Her As a Result

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One man's quest for a kid-free grocery store sparks discourse about children in public spaces: 'You are not entitled to a world without kids'

kids, children, childfree, parents, parenting, controversy, twitter, twitter thread

'If a child is unlikeable it's because their parents haven't raised them right': Childfree person catches heat for saying it's 'fine and normal' to dislike kids

kids, children, parenting, twitter, twitter thread, family, debate, controversy

'Perpetual teenagers. How boring': Twitter users argue over Seth Rogen explaining why he doesn't have kids

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'It's called NEET': Childfree Redditor gets roasted for identifying as a 'No income, no kids' NINK

bride, wedding party, wedding, weddings, family drama, Crazy Brides, childfree, niece, reddit story, family feud, family, reddit thread, bridezilla, Reddit, mom, exclusion

'You want a my child free wedding': Bride throws child-free wedding, deliberately excluding her 17-year-old niece, the only 'child' in the family

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'I cannot bring children into a world like this': Couple of 8 years breaks up because they never discussed whether they wanted kids

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'I have more money for my dogs': Childless couples over 40 discuss if they regret not having kids

childfree, parenting, mom, reddit, aita, am i the asshole, kids, babies, toddler, babysitting, village, opinions, controversy

Childfree Woman Slams Mom Friend for Expecting 'The Village' to Provide Free Babysitting

childfree, parenting, kids, dad, complaint, twitter, twitter thread, funny twitter, free time, hobbies

Judgmental Dad Receives Clapbacks For Complaining Childfree People Don't Realize How Much Free Time They Have

babies, baby, kids, children, parents, mom, dad, childfree, dilemma, manners, conversation, reddit, advice, reddit thread, congratulations, family

Childfree Woman Gets Advised by Redditors on What to Say to Her New Parent Friends

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