

bad dad jokes

14 Dad Memes And Jokes That'll Inspire You To Wear Socks With Your Sandals

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funny memes about cheese loving wisconsin

37 Cheesy Memes About Wisconsin That'll Make You Say 'For Cripes Sake'

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Oh God No

Caption that reads, "So my wife made this for our dog's first Halloween" above a pic of a little Yorkshire terrier with a costume on from the "I Love it" music video by Kanye West and Lil Pump
Via anlyin

He's Almost Ready!

Tweet that reads "It's finally October, that means Michael Buble is defrosting as we speak"
Via anlyin

You Know It

Caption reads, "Couples on Halloween this year SMH" above a pic of a moth and lamp couples costume
Via anlyin

Me Gusta

Caption reads, "Alexa, play my favorite song" above a pic of a desk, a paw and a Cheeto
Via linecall
ed sheeran memes

17 Ridiculous Ed Sheeran Memes To Get You Laughing Out Loud

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That Infomercial

cheesy gifs - 6548346880
Created by Taking3

If I Was That Crewman, I'd Be (p)Irate About That Joke

cheesy fake island pirates real similar sounding - 5504921600
Created by NinjaKittehs24

Dangerously Peppy

cheesy cheetah cheetos gifs Pepper Spray Cop - 5472319488


cheesy double meaning eating food human lolwut noms peppy pizza - 5152872192


band cheesy literalism Music similar sounding terrible - 4774595072
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