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Dad of 5 kids in 6 years gets angry when doctor suggests his wife should space out her pregnancies, has another kid while being squatters getting evicted: 'We got our eviction notice a month before the due date'

Maybe the doctor was right?
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20+ Lent Memes You Don't Have to Give Up

You can even scroll on Friday!
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Ash Wednesday Memes For Catholics Who Aren't Giving Up Memes For Lent

To dust you shall return
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Depop Seller Sparks Jokes and Confusion for Selling "Virtual Catholic Confession"

God doesn't accept PayPal
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Former Theater Kid Delights Internet Sharing Campy Elvis Impression at First Communion

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By The Father And The Son Themselves

Tweet that reads, "I got left on read by a girl from my Bible study...I've been Holy ghosted"
Via skeetskeetbangbangmf

Gonna Be A Thriller!

Fake headline announcing that there's going to be a 'Bible 2'
Via AManlyManWhoDoesManlyStuff
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People Are SUPER Triggered By The Met Gala's 'Catholic' Theme

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The 2018 Met Gala's Most Absurd Looks And Hilarious Reactions

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Seems Like a Good Enough Reason to Make Him Pope

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Catholicism is Getting Weird

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catholicism political pictures Pope Benedict XVI - 4604371200
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catholicism political pictures Pope Benedict XVI - 4608704256

Na Na Na Na Na Na Pope Cave

catholicism funny lolz Pope Benedict XVI religion - 4149085440
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