

family drama, meals, healthy, brother, thanksgiving, butter, meal, unhealthy, reddit story, girlfriend, dinner, heath, family, food, family dinner, reddit thread, Reddit

Hostess excludes her brother's girlfriend from Thanksgiving dinner because she criticized her dinner last year for being unhealthy, unnatural, and full of butter: 'My brother called me petty and said I was punishing her for being health-conscious'

Serves her right
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boyfriend, nurses, family drama, treatment, kid, nurse, burning, butter, grandma, reddit story, girlfriend, health, Reddit, grandmother, relationship drama, burn, son

Boyfriend scolds nurse girlfriend for not letting his grandmother put butter on her son's burn: 'He said I am not to treat his family like that and I should have just let them do it'

I can't believe it's not medicine!
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food, butter, bread, sandwich, wtf, stupid people, tiktok, twitter thread, usa, america, american food, hmm

World Foodies Despair Over American "Food Hack" of Putting Butter on Sandwiches

A revolutionary recipe
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meat, food, wtf, steak, gross food, carnivore, keto, ew, health, sink, tiktok

Carnivorous Man Shares Recipe for 'Sink Steak', Horrifies the Internet

Just why
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Funny tweet about the butter section of the refrigerator the butter's penthouse
Via @shutupmikeginn

The Most British Thing You Ever Saw

Wikipedia entry explaining what a "toast sandwich" is
Via AlligatorTown

A+ Paraphrasing

Funny meme about avoiding plagiarism in school using photos of products that are ripping off i can't believe it's not butter.
Via memiest_memes

Just Try to Keep Her Cool

butter puns web comics Just Try to Keep Her Cool
Via Nate Fakes

You'll Definitely Believe It's Not Butter

trolling memes tastes like butt
Via tMoneyMoney

Trolling Level: Grocery Store

packaging wtf butter - 8579162624
Created by cmdr_keen

German Food is great!

cheese butter - 8564910080


butter toast happy - 4377446144
See all captions Created by salvobert

I Can't Believe It's Not Heaven

Via Art JCF

Looks Tasty

wtf beaver butter Rule 34 - 7651788032
Created by shimmyfab

Would You Say You Couldn't Believe It Wasn't Butter?

funny memes butter grandmas house

Filling All the Margarines

Via Go Comics
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