

reddit, askreddit, bully, mlm, bullies, pyramid scheme, mean girls, peaked, high school, football, subreddit, reddit thread, bullying

Redditors Discuss The Qualities of People Who Peaked in High School

I have the type of anxiety that makes me worried that I peaked in high school , even though I know I had a horrible time. My high school years had some positive moments, but my life got exponentially better once I graduated and moved far away from anyone I knew. There are some moments from high school I still think about, like my Senior prom , which was almost Carrie -esque in how traumatic it was, but that's a story for another day. Five years out from high school, I'm sitting pretty, knowing…
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college, college student, students, exam, test, women, insecure, men vs women, dating, bullying, pretty privilege, misogyny, aita, reddit

Female Student Faces Harassment for 'Pretty Privilege' After Acing Exams, Bullies Get Offended When She Reports Them

Peak insecurity
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reddit, reddit thread, elf on the shelf, christmas, bullying, parenting, am i the asshole, aita, prank

Dad's Seemingly Harmless Game of 'Elf on the Shelf' Quickly Turns Into Twisted Series of Traumatizing Pranks

These kids are going to need years of therapy
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danger, anger, angry, dangerous, bullying, argument, askreddit

Hotheads Reveal the Worst Thing They've Ever Done in a Fit of Anger

Watch out
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Mom Asks Her Daughter to Help Her Go Beat Someone up to See How She Would Respond, She Was a Little Too Ready

Mom Asks Her Daughter to Help Her Go Beat Someone up to See How She Would Respond, She Was a Little Too Ready

Ride or die at its finest
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Funny stories about students making fun of teachers in high school, bullying, roasted

Funny Tales That Prove Students Will Roast Teachers For Absolutely Anything

They're savage.
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mum, school, bullies, bullying, comebacks, insults, book, funny, funny twitter

Guy Shares Book Of Comebacks Mom Gave Him When Being Bullied At School

Feel special now?
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grandma, granddaughter, son, bitching, bullying, facebook, bully, childhood, mom

Grandma Disses Son’s Childhood Bully After Finding Him On Facebook

Moms never forget.
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ellen, ellen degeneres, tv, cancelled, the ellen show, bullying, harassment, ironic

Marking The Cancellation Of The Ellen Show With Some Spicy Ellen Memes

An end to the face that launched a thousand Tumblr gif sets.
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It's Easy!

Funny meme about stupid ways to stop bullying, tell the bully to stop
Via u/Gigachad26

That'll Teach Them

Funny meme of a guy wearing a Lego costume saying that he's tired of people walking all over him and that's fighting back with his Lego costume
Via Endichan
Funny dank memes about schools and their negligence when it comes to dealing with bullying | mike wazowski meme kid is being bullied schools kid defends himself schools: Principal throws 2 anti-bullying assemblies staff: Well boys did Bullying IS no more.

Sixteen Dank Memes About Bullying That Schools Will Definitely Ignore

In the words of Kelly Clarkson, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
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Fresh and dank memes, random memes, funny memes, meme about helping teacher use youtube, meme about how stupid it is to pronounce GIF 'jif'

21 Fresh & Dumb Dank Memes

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Not At All

Caption that reads, "When you make a joke and someone says 'That's not very nice'" above a pic of Skeletor saying "I am not nice"
Via YouAreDrunk

Anime Kids in a Nutshell

funny meme about anime fans bullying each other
Via Tumblr
bullying Video - 60429825

This Anti-Bullying Campaign Just Seems Like "Don't Bully Me or I'll Bully You Later"

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