

A compilation of cute and funny animal memes

The Funniest Animal Memes of the Week (October 8, 2022)

Isn't it crazy how we're all animals ? You and me are just as much of an animal as a fish or a bird. The only difference is that we convince ourselves we're better than other animals because we're the apex predator allegedly. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing that humans have better than animals is language. We can conjugate sentences, and they can do nothing of the sort. That's all we've got on them. Most other animals do not have to go to work. Sure, they have to get food and clean them…
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Woman Wakes Up to a Cockroach Crawling Inside of Her Ear, has to Get it Surgically Removed, Goes Viral

Woman Wakes Up to a Cockroach Crawling Inside of Her Ear, has to Get it Surgically Removed, Goes Viral

Apparently roaches can't walk backwards, so it probably would've just kept crawling until it hit her brain…
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Woman Goes Viral for Hilariously Getting Wild Caterpillars to Dance by Screaming Random Things at Them

Woman Goes Viral for Hilariously Getting Wild Caterpillars to Dance by Screaming Random Things at Them

“AaaAAaaaAAAyyyyOOOoooOOooo!” *caterpillars do their little dancey dance*
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Someone Accidentally Spray Painted a Roly-Poly/Potato Bug and Has Now Become The Most Recent Random Video to Break the Internet

Someone Accidentally Spray Painted a Roly-Poly/Potato Bug and Has Now Become The Most Recent Random Video to Break the Internet

So many questions. Why was she spray painting her tongs in the first place? Why is she so upset? How is the bug walking away totally fine and looking fly?
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Funny memes about painted over roach, landlord, bad landlords, wtf, fail

Lazy Landlord Paints Over Roach, Photoshop Memes Ensue

We don't make the rules, but it seems like for every good landlord, the world is obligated to birth 20+ landlords that fall into the greedy, lazy, or just plain absent category. None of this has improved during the second year of the pandemic. Some landlords can't even be bothered to request aid - they'd rather just evict their downtrodden tenants and charge someone else more rent. Sometimes, however, tales of their antics are less evil and more ridiculous. This is definitely the case for Twitt…
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Man finds giant texas redheaded centipede in daughter's room, twitter thread, scary, funny

Dude Finds Giant Centipede In Daughter's Room & Horrifies People With the Footage

Oh hell no
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summer, sun, sunny, seasons, bugs, sea, beach, mosquitos, global warming, funny, funny memes

Sunny Memes For This Long Hot Summer

Trying to stay cool.
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Funny memes about cicadas, 2021, brood x

Memes & Tweets in Celebration of This Summer's Horny Cicada Invasion

They're coming.
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Funny wholesome and cute animal memes, praying mantis, cats, dogs, puppies, insects, possums, raccoons

A Menagerie Of Funny Animal Memes & Moments

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Be Like Bees

Funny meme about how humans are scared of a single bug like a cockroach, but bees will band together against someone hundreds of times their size, to valhalla Patrick in a sweater
Via u/Aditya_Noob_Arya
ant memes, ants, bugs, insects, animals, animal memes, funny memes, dank memes, stupid memes, shitposts, funny, memes, lol, nature, wildlife | Maybe if work hard Give all my food colony sleep only 8 minutes day surely Queen will notice and putting on clown makeup | contains two stomachs. One stomach holds food itself and second stomach is food be shared with other ants.

27 Dank Ant Memes Because Why The Hell Not

For people who are bored of cat & doggo memes
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Funny video where clips of 'Bee Movie' are unnecessarily censored

'Bee Movie' Gets Even Better With Unnecessary Censorship

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Interesting Facebook thread explaining why the threat of "murder hornets" is largely sensationalized | Marianne Alleyne Monday at 5:10 PM Dropping some more hornet knowledge (compiled multiple posts have seen come by today, including Annie Rich Thompson): | NY Times ran story this weekend which promptly echoed through local media outlets about Asian Giant Hornet which they so thoughtfully deemed murder hornet so doing, they have blown problem way out proportion.

No Need To Panic Over 'Murder Hornets,' According To This Informative Thread

It's all been blown waaaay out of proportion.
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Funny dank memes about the introduction of "murder hornets" to North America | People America seeing murder hornets are being found America first time hiking fish on fire | Covid-19 numbers start decline Murder Hornets Vector's hey

'Murder Hornets' Are 2020's Latest Little Gift To Us

Oh cool...
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Funny and cringey clip from the movie 'Cats'

Scene In 'Cats' Involves Cringey Dancing Cockroaches

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Funny and terrifying pics of animals in Australia | Australian man screaming at spider 'why don't die triggers full police response Multiple officers arrive at home find Perth man with 'serious fear arachnids 'trying kill spider Perth man apologised team police officers showed up at his house passerby called police they heard toddler screaming and man repeatedly shouting 'Why don't die man apparently just trying kill spider. pic of a croc shoe with a snake coiled inside it

Australia Pics That Are Too Horrifying For Words

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