

Every Time

Funny meme about Google chrones.
Via Difrozen

Every Frickin' Time

Funny meme about google chrome.
Via Broken-Door

Well Played

Dad and son in a car with caption that reads, "Son: Dad, why is my sister named Makeup Tutorials? Dad: Because it was in your mother's search history; Son: Thanks, Dad; Dad: No problem -----"
Via TheCommunist_Scholar
Internet Explorer memes and jokes

15 Memes And Pics That'll Make You Feel For Internet Explorer

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Just Studying, Mom!

Funny meme about alt tabs
Via Crispyray

Error Report

browser loading - 8536896256
Created by saadxaad

This Explains Why Chrome is Almost 7 Gigabytes

Via OMG Chrome

Famous Last Words - Astronaut GIF

Funny GIF animation of an astronaut hurling thru space saying Erase My Browser History.... as he drifts away.
Created by anselmbe ( Via gif )

Is it Friday Yet?

browser it computer - 8385463808
Created by Atillion

Browser Rage

Y U NO school browser teacher - 8321653504
Created by DissolveTheKitten

New PC

browser computer internet explorer chrome - 8318322432
Created by CrazyCalvinWilliams

That Pretty Much Sums It Up

browser Sochi 2014 internet explorer funny - 8050951168
Created by anselmbe ( Via )

Just Accidentally Opening It is Enough to Incite Murderous Thoughts

murder browser graphs internet explorer - 7821979904

Well Done, Guys

browser google chrome mozilla firefox making rage comics internet explorer - 7621293312
Created by hockeyfan0012

My Computer Chooses the Best Times to Freeze

browser computer frozen - 7520559616

Who Uses Safari?

browser internet crash safari - 4501179904
Created by 123porter
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