
bridal party

cringe cringeworthy cringe-worthy wedding weddings marriage married bride groom stories bad terrible funny guest family bridal lol

20 Cringe-worthy Wedding Moments to Witness Over a Slice of Cake

Garter tosses that'll leave you speechless
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wedding, weddings, wedding party, wedding dress, wedding drama, marriage, marriage drama, bridesmaids, brides, bridal party, bridal fashion, friends, friendship, aging, dress, dressed up, reddit, reddit thread

40-year-old refuses to wear same bridesmaid's dress as rest of the group, jeopardizes friendship with the bride: 'I look much older than all of them'

Should she just wear it?
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dancing, viral videos, cringey, bride, groom, bridesmaids, Crazy Brides, cringe, bridal party, dance moves, bridesmaid, dance, cringeworthy, Video, twitter discourse

"She got married solely to have this moment": Bride performs cringey group dance for groom, enrages Twitter because of course it does

The Class of 2011 dance troupe is back!
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twitter story, viral videos, twitter, bride, wedding party, Twitter Thread, bridesmaids, bridal party, twitter reactions, wedding, tweets, bridesmaid, wedding dress, weddings

Incompetent Wedding Planner Hangs Dress on Hotel Sprinklers, Ruining the Wedding Dress and the Bridal Parties Hair And Makeup

What a disaster
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